“We’re not leaving”: Youth Group Campaigns Against Forced Economic Emigration


RONAN BURTENSHAW, a youth group campaigner involved in the “We’re not leaving” initiative, joins Sabrina to explain the purpose of the campaign. Ronan says they are campaigning for job creation for the youth of Ireland and taking a stand against having to emigrate to find work.

Ronan says the youth of Ireland need to mobilise and make a stand against being used as “Cannon fodder” for a crisis which they did not create. Ronan stands against forced emigration for economic reasons, 30% unemployment rates for youth, zero hours contracts and grant cuts for college students.

Sabrina and Ronan also discuss recent cuts to social welfare and further increases in transport costs for students. Ronan says the government is actively encouraging emigration.


Duration: 14'24" DATE: November 4, 2013
Interviewer:Sabrina Ryan
Producer:Sabrina Ryan
Interviewee:Ronan Burtenshaw
Themes:Irish Life & Culture, Community Events
Keywords:were not leaving, youth unemployment, youth emigration, ronan burtenshaw
LocationIreland Time Period:2013
Type:Sound Language:English
Creator:Near FM Publisher:Near FM
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