Teaching Budding Chefs At Howth Castle Cookery School


ELEANOR MARTIN of Howth Castle Cookery School speaks to Sabrina Ryan about the series of classes that they present. One of the courses focuses on fish. This means looking at ways to source good fish as well as cooking it. Another course looks specifically at creating baby food.There is also a sushi and sashimi course. Eleanor explains the difference between sushi and sashimi.

Discussion also includes what fruit and vegetables are in season, including butternut squash and sweet potato.

Eleanor explains how the courses introduce complete novices to the kitchen. She also mentions the new gluten free and bread baking courses that have just commenced.

The school can be booked for hen parties or ‘bonding’ sessions for organisational team-building exercises. works as an icebreaker for members of the group who don’t know each other. Transition year groups also come along to cook with them.


Duration: 15'42" DATE: October 7, 2013
Interviewer:Sabrina Ryan
Producer:Yvette Reid
Interviewee:Eleanor Martin
Keywords:Cookery, Howth Schiool, Chefs, Kitchens, Sushi
LocationHowth, Dublin Time Period:2013
Type:Sound Language:English
Creator:Near FM Publisher:Near FM
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