Baldoyle Racecourse Community Garden


Baldoyle Racecourse Community Garden organizer JENNIFER NOTHER joins Yvette Reid to talk about how the community garden was put together.

Jennifer talks of the committee that guided the project, how the garden operates,  how the community organize to meet at particular times of the month to carry out specific tasks such as cutting grass, her hopes of the garden growing in the future and the success of the garden’s launch.

She also encourages people to contact them if they wish to become involved.


Duration: 05'44" DATE: July 15, 2013
Interviewer:Yvette Reid
Producer:Yvette Reid
Interviewee:Jennifer Nother
Themes:Irish Life & Culture, Community Events
Keywords:community garden, baldoyle, community activities, fingal county council
LocationBaldoyle Time Period:2013
Type:Sound Language:English
Creator:Near FM Publisher:Near FM
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