What is Change.org?


JOHN COVENTRY of Change.org explains to Eoin Drinan the purpose of the site as an online platform for people to talk about the issues that they care about and actively petition for change. In the UK at the time they have 2million users and over fifty campaigns have been successful in getting action implemented.

John talks of the interest on government level of certain campaigns on the site. John details some of the best principles of a good petition, notably that it is clear and achievable. Secondly he suggested writing the petition as if writing to the people you wish to sign the campaign as opposed to the authority you are trying to get to implement a change.




Duration: 07'46" DATE: April 18, 2013
Interviewer:Eoin Drinan
Producer:Eoin Drinan
Interviewee:John Coventry
Themes:Global Issues with a Local Focus
Keywords:change.org, online forum for change, people power, activism, becoming an activist
LocationUnited Kingdom Time Period:2013
Type:Sound Language:English
Creator:Near FM Publisher:Near FM
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