COLIN FENNELLY of Beaumont Wood Residents Association speaks to John Healy to talk about the plan to put a “through road” at the back of the estate, to the west side of Beaumont Hospital. Colin talks about his fears of the potential problems that may arise during the development of the new road, Beaumont Hospital’s…
Pat Meehan interviews MIRIAM O’NEILL from AA Ireland about a funny situation coming up quite often, and they’ve called it “Mammas in their Pyjamas”. They’ve had to rescue some ...
13 Feb 2014
JOACHIM HOCHSTEIN, Cycling Policy Adviser for the city of Frankfurt in Germany, speaks to Eoin Drinan about the difference in the ways cycling policies are implemented in Germany and ...
19 Sep 2013
Noel McGuinness visits the Rhythms of the Port exhibition on Sir John Rogerson’s Quay near Ringsend and chats with artist MAURA SWEENEY and NOEL BYRNE of the Dockworkers’ Preservation ...
08 Jul 2014
Pat Meehan interviews ROBBIE COUSINS resident of the Croke Park Area about the proposal to hold 5 Garth Brooks concerts in Croke Park this summer. He denounces that they ...
13 Feb 2014
Mark speaks to DOROTHEE MEYER HOLTKAMP about the Erasmus Plus Project. She talks about the details of the project in which other community radio stations in Europe participate, the ...
23 Nov 2015