Social Justice Media conference


PETER CUNNINGHAM, Near Co-op treasurer rounds up the planned events for the Social Justice media seminar, the day before the event occured. He outlines the various speakers lined up, tells us how Minister Pat Rabbitte will deliver the opening speech. Amongst other speakers involved on the day will be Peter McVerry, Gavin Titley and Nessa Childers.

Peter briefly talks of the achievements of the co-op over the years as well as sharing details on how to register or get involved with the conference including watching it live online or sharing your opinions on twitter using #nearsjm.

Duration: 07'14" DATE: March 8, 2013
Interviewer:Noel McGuinness
Producer:Zandra Ball
Interviewee:Peter Cunningham
Themes:Local News, Community Events
Keywords:social justice media, conference line up, peter mcverry, pat rabbitte, nessa childers, gavin titley, peter cunningham, thirty years of media coop
LocationCoolock, North Dublin Time Period:2013
Type:Sound Language:English
Creator:Near FM Publisher:Near FM
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