Singer MARY COUGHLAN joins Noel MCGuinness to discuss an upcoming gig at the Axis Centre in Ballymun. Mary gives details of the concert and a new album being released early in 2014. They also discuss the recent death of Nelson Mandela and the effect of his passing on her. Mary shares details of her new…
BARBARA JENNINGS speaks with JOHN, KERRY, ROBBIE, GILLIAN, NIALL, & STEPHEN from Volunteer Ireland in Northside Shopping Centre, where they are having an open day & are looking for ...
19 Oct 2011
John Healy speaks to DAVID BURKE of Fresh Start – a project aimed at helping people get back into the workplace through career preparation. They are based in the ...
03 Sep 2012
Barbara speaks about Culture Night 2012 live from Lemon Jelly restaurant on Millennium way[REPORTER PHONE CRACKLE PRESENT THROUGHOUT]. She speaks to DERMOT MCLOUGHLIN who started Culture Night originally back ...
05 Sep 2012
GEORGE HIGGS, Composer, speaks to Noel McGuinness about the process of creating sounds and music using “Lost and Found” objects. They begin by speaking of a concert taking place ...
07 May 2013
John speaks to BARRY DOUGLAS from Hidden Hearing and GERRY COOLEY from the Near FM Business Partnership Initiative. They both talk about the reaction to the initiative, the importance ...
14 Oct 2015