John Healy speaks to PAT MEEHAN about his radio play entitled “Rivitin History”. They briefly describe the premise of the two part play and how within it they travel to the past using the main characters magical motor bike. We hear an extract from the play beginning at 4minutes. They discuss what has been produced…
Noel Mc Guinness speaks to ANNE EBELING, artist in residence in the Axis in Ballymun. She speaks about her paintings & how she came to live in Ireland & ...
30 Jan 2015
ARTHUR GRIFFIN, vice president of Fianna Fail joins Ger Leddin to discuss the proposed abolition of Seanad Eireann. Arthur speaks of the parties support for the reform of the Seanad and ...
18 Sep 2013
Noel McGuinness interviews GAVIN MURPHY an Irish artist, who’s presenting his latest exhibition “Sleepwalkers” at the Hugh Lane Gallery. He talks about his relationship with the gallery, as he ...
21 Feb 2014
GRACE WILENTZ pops in to update Noel McGuinness on the progress of the Near FM & MediaCorp Intercultural Project. With her she has two members of the latest group ...
06 Jun 2012