Joint Housing Conference

Flavia speaks to several people during the Joint Housing Conference held in Dublin Castle on Saturday 28th November 2015. Flavia firstly speaks to JOHN BISSETT from Housing Action Now. He talks about the objectives of the conference, the different workshops that took place during the conference, Housing Action Now’s approach and thoughts to the upcoming…

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Lift Youth Arts Festival

Noel Mc Guinness speaks to EMMA CONNORS about lift youth arts festival which are celebrating their 10th year anniversary. They will kick off with workshops & events in the Axis in Ballymun which will include rap, drama workshops, & showcases…

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National Biodiversity Data Centre

Noel Mc Guinness speaks to DR. LIAM LYSAGHT who is director of the National Biodiversity Data Centre. He speaks about where wild life occurs in Ireland & how people can learn more about Wildlife by attending the workshops which are starting tomorrow in Bull Island in Clontarf. The first one up is an “introduction to Waders”…

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Marriage Equality Organisation “LGBT Parents” training event.

Pat Meehan speaks to MONINNE GRIFFITH of the Marriage Equality organisation about amazing young people with LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender) parents and the campaign for marriage equality. They begin with Monnine explaining what is part of the campaign including workshops and working in the community trying to increase awareness of LGBT families in…

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Near FM & MediaCorp Intercultural Project

GRACE WILENTZ pops in to update Noel McGuinness on the progress of the Near FM & MediaCorp Intercultural Project. With her she has two members of the latest group to come together: Celine, from Donaghmede, and Sylvia from Balina. At this point there are 17 participants in the project. They are learning a wide range…

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