Noel speaks to DAVID MOORE from Astronomy Ireland. He talks about the background to Astronomy Ireland, the events that they run annually, their telescopic sights of the International Space Station, the lecture they plan to give during Science Week and their preparation for a lecture in the future about possible life out in space. He…
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BARBARA JENNINGS speaks to Independent Councillor DAMIAN O’ FARRELL about the flood wall on the promenade down in Clontarf & about how flooding can be ...
26 Oct 2011
John speaks with RÓISE GOAN, D.C.C. Festival Director. She talks about the Bram Stoker Festival in celebration of the Clontarf born writer, the details of the festival during the ...
07 Oct 2015
Noel McGuinness speaks to DERMOT HIGGINS, post master in Ballymun post office talks about sustaining post offices. The government want to encourage people to get their money in the ...
17 Apr 2015
Barbara Jennings speaks to SEAN BOYD, who is the author of a book called ‘Behind The Horse Shoe Bar’. The Bar was in the Shelbourne Hotel in Dublin. He ...
21 Dec 2011
NICOLA HENLEY chats to Noel McGuinness about the Wise Ways Exhibition at Axis in Ballymun. Wise Ways was a participatory arts project with older people, originating at Raheen Hospital ...
16 Oct 2012