Right 2 Water Campaign – People Before Profit

Noel McGuinness chats with JOHN LYONS from People Before Benefit about the Right2water campaign. The Right2Water campaign has called for a series of nationwide demonstrations to take place on Saturday, 23rd January 2016 – including a major demonstration in Dublin city centre. 2016 is going to be the year of change in Ireland and that change…

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Stardust Families staging sit-in at Government Buildings

Noel McGuinness interviews JOHN LYONS from People Before Profit about the Families from the Stardust Fire. The Stardust Fire left 48 dead young people. The families of that victims are searching for justice for so many years, but haven’t found it so far. Fighting for justice they’re getting in contact with the Government to set…

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Drop in crime rates in Ballymun and Finglas in 2012

John Healy speaks to JOHN LYONS, a local Labour Councillor, about crime rates falling in Ballymun and Finglas. They discuss the statistics and also what Garda services in the area have to do with the good improvement. They discuss the Joint Policing Committees and the forums connected to them. They also discuss the community alcohol…

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