England v Ireland: Cricket International 2015

The England v Ireland cricketing clash was held at Malahide on Friday May 8th, 2015. The picturesque Dublin ground was the setting for a record attendance of ten thousand on a memorable day for Irish cricket. FERGUS CARROLL reports live from Malahide, keeping Noel McGuinness up to date on happenings in the north County Dublin…

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Dublin Roses’ Belarus Trip in Aid of Chernoble Children

Pat Meehan talks to Dublin Rose participant GEMMA ROSE O’BRIEN about trhe trip in aid of Chernobyl Children International. Over five days the Roses worked in an orphanage that looks after children wirth special needs. They played with children and cared for them. Some 30,000 children are affected by problems resulting from the infamous nuclear…

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NEAR Media Intercultural Co-op

GRACE WILENTZ pops in to update Noel McGuinness on the progress of the Near FM & MediaCorp Intercultural Project. With her she has two members of the latest group to come together: Maleka and Ecaterina. At this point there are 17 participants in the project. They are learning a wide range of skills in the…

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Near FM’s Intercultural Project Reaches Out To The World

GRACE WILENTZ comes in to the studio to talk to Noel McGuinness about the latest group of students that has signed up with Near FM’s Intercultural Project. The students come from all over the world, from India to Canada, From Romania to Suriname. The students learn about radio production and presentation, as well sharing their…

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