Pro Jobsbridge and Gateway Schemes

Pat interviews NOEL ROCK from Fine Gael, who is for the Jobsbridge and Gateway Schemes. He finds that even not being ideal they help young people to get experience and confidence and also keep them in the tax system.He accepts that there should be regulations so the employers don’t take advantage of this situations, so they…

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New path proposal between Malahide Castle and Newbridge House

Noel McGuinness  interviews Counselor ANTHONY LAVIN (Fine Gael) from the Fingal County Council. Noel and Counselor Lavin are talking about the proposal to build a path linking Malahide Castle and Newbridge House. They were hosting a public consultation in Malahide Library, so everyone could have a  look at the proposal…

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Terence Flanagan speaks of Abortion Laws in Ireland

Former Fine Gael TD, TERENCE FLANAGAN joins Ger Leddin. Terence talks about his feelings on the Abortion Rites Campaign press statement. He states that he were “gravely disappointed by the health committee’s decision to reject the amendment, which would allow abortions to be offered to women suffering inevitable miscarriages and those diagnosed with fatal abnormalities”. Terence…

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