Great Aunt Does A Great Channel Swim For A Great Charity

SHEILA FLEMING talks to Conor Doyle about MAURA TWOMEY’s great swimming achievement. Maura, a brave great-aunt, swam the English Channel to raise funds for her grandnephew who suffers from cystic fibrosis. Maura Twomey was 59 when she took on the epic challenge for the CF children’s unit at Cork University Hospital between July 9 and…

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Artane Man Swimming To Scotland For Charity

Noel McGuinness talks to FERGAL SOMMERVILLE about swimming from Co. Down To Scotland in aid of Aislinn Adolescent Addiction Services. Fergal only took to long-distance swimming five years ago to help with his back problems. Since then he has swum the English Channel and done a number of other long-distance swims in aid of a…

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