Barbara Jennings joins DENISE DONNELLY on walkabout at the Doorway Gallery in South Frederick Street. They look two works by Jackie Edwards. The first is an oil painting called “Power of One” and the second features a man completely covered tattoos. They then look at some ceramic works by artist Christy Keaney. They also investigate…
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PHILLIP JENNINGS joins Yvette Reid to discuss the music festival and who will be a part of it. It’s an over 13’s event and was launched as an alternative ...
25 Mar 2013
ANNE MARIE KELLY of Dublin City Libraries joins Eoin Drinan to talk about the Anne Frank Exhibition taking place in Pearse Street Library. Anne says Anne Frank’s Diary continues ...
31 Oct 2013
John speaks with RĂ“ISE GOAN, D.C.C. Festival Director. She talks about the Bram Stoker Festival in celebration of the Clontarf born writer, the details of the festival during the ...
07 Oct 2015
GRACE WILENTZ pops in to update Noel McGuinness on the progress of the Near FM & MediaCorp Intercultural Project. With her she has two members of the latest group ...
06 Jun 2012
FERGUS CARROLL reports live from Scotland the cricket match between Ireland and Scotland (Part of the ...
12 Jul 2011