Irish Girl Guides A-WEAR-NESS Day

Noel McGuinness is talking to FIONA MURDOCH about the Irish Girl Guides A-WEAR-NESS Day , where IGG (Irish Girl Guide) members throughout the country wore their Guide uniforms to school and work to mark A-WEAR-NESS Day. A-WEAR-NESS Day gives IGG members a chance to share how Guiding helps girls learn and develop life-skills through a range…

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Liberties Festival 2013

MICHAEL CONLAN, an organizer of the Liberties Festival joins Noel McGuinness to talk about the upcoming Liberties festival and what it entails for the year 2013. Michael talks about some of the events in the festival such as a concert at St. Patrick’s festival, the purpose of the festival for the people in the Liberties area of Dublin, the…

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SCOOP foundation event in Sugar Club

SORCHA MELLON, education support officer of SCOOP (Supporting Children Out Of Poverty) talks to Mark Finnegan about the forthcoming screening of the film ‘A River Changes Course’ at the Sugar Club in Dublin. The film is a documentary about the effects of globalisation on the poorest people in the world. She also talks about SCOOP’s…

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Surpressed Histories Archive

MARY CONDREN talks with Pat Meehan about Suppressed Histories Archive founder Maxine Dashu, who is coming to Ireland courtesy of Woman’s Spirit. Suppressed Histories teaches global women’s history through images. Maxine is exploring if there was ever a time in our human history when men and women lived in harmony, and in religion where women are not treated…

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Intercultural Media Project 10-10-2011

PAT GUERIN has GRACE WILENTZ, Intercultural Dialogue through Community Media Coordinator at Near Media Co-op, talking on updates about the Intercultural Media Project at Near FM and the upcoming episode of “Culture Shots” …

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The Gutter Bookshop

Noel Mc Guinness speaks to BOB JOHNSTON from the gutter bookshop in cows lane in Temple bar. BOB talks about the Easter trail which is taking place  in the area & lots more as well  including the design market which sell local Irish craft & their outdoor bookshop & lots more. The gutter bookshop was…

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U2 Stage Set Museum Proposed For North Fingal

Fianna Fail Councillor DARRAGH BUTLER has proposed that Fingal council investigate rock band U2’s desire to display the stages from their past tours at a permanent location in Dublin. He suggested that somewhere in north Fingal could be a potential location. Mr Butler told Mark Finnegan he believed it should be considered because of the…

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Release Of A Herd Of Pigs At Balbriggan Allotment

CATRIONA REDMOND, a food blogger and member of the Balbriggan Allotments speaks to Pat Meehan about the official opening of the allotments and in particular, the release of a herd of pigs into the allotment. Catriona talks about how the pigs will be farmed, how a local supermarket will help supply food for the pigs,…

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The Trim Swift Satire Festival

Paula speaks to PADDY CULLIVAN about the Johnathan Swift inspired satire festival in Trim. They discuss the  origins of the festival, who is on the line up and what is in store for the audience. Paddy tells Paula about some of the acts who are performing including Barry Murphy, Dara O’Brian and a host of other…

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Winner of the young Scientist Award 2014

Noel McGuinness interviews PAUL CLARKE, student of St. Paul’s College and winner of the Young Scientist Award. He talks of his way to his success and how he come to do what he is doing now. He’ll be going to Silicon Valley as part of the prize to discover the work they do there…

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Lughnasa Full Moon Walk Helps Homeless

Noel McGuinness talks to GRAINNE DENNING, Fundraising manager of Threshold, about the Lughnasa Full Moon walk in aid of the homeless crisis in Ireland. This walk – in pre-Christian times – was somewhat of a match-making event that coincided with the harvest festival. The walk takes place around Glendalough. Threshold are facing ever-increasing demand for…

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