Mary Coughlan at the Axis, Ballymun

Singer MARY COUGHLAN joins Noel MCGuinness to discuss an upcoming gig at the Axis Centre in Ballymun. Mary gives details of the concert and a new album being released early in 2014. They also discuss the recent death of Nelson Mandela and the effect of his passing on her. Mary shares details of her new…

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Digital Technology and the learning process

PATRICIA WROE speaks to Ronnie O’Brien about possible changes to the Junior Certificate curriculum with particular emphasis on Digital Technology. They discuss the requirements of what employers are looking for and cross reference that with the desired learning outcomes of the Junior Certificate. They talk of the intended framework of the certificate including the skill…

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Balla Ban Art Gallery

Barbara speaks to FRANK O’DEA about the Balla Ban Art Gallery, Dublin. He talks about the gallery being the smallest in all of Ireland, the variety of the art on display in the gallery, the artists being brought to the art source taking place in the R.D.S., the business side of the art industry and…

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Cluid Housing Association

SIMON BROOKE, Head of Policy with Cluid Housing Association chats with Ronnie O’Brien. Simon explains that Housing Association’s are independent, not for profit charities that provide social housing for people on housing waiting lists. Simon also discusses the ‘mortgage to rent’ scheme which targets people who are experiencing mortgage difficulties. In order to qualify for the scheme you…

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New Communities Partnership about migrant right to vote in the General Election 2016

RARES-MIHAI NICULA New Communities Partnership with Noel McGuinness talking about migrants rights, election 2016 and appealing to migrants to use their voting rights. NCP first came together 13 years ago as a coalition of several migrant background groups to help up migrants with their needs. NCP helps migrants in Dublin and nationwide to deal with…

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A Widow’s Paradise in a Mobile Home!

THERESA CASHEL from the Grange Woodbine Drama Group talks to Noel McGuinness about their 2015 production of ‘A Widow’s Paradise’. This play by Sam Cree is a farce in which five women travel to stay in a caravan in the Ards peninsula, some trying to get away from their male partners and others hoping to…

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Birdwatch Ireland

Ronnie O’Brian speaks to NIALL HATCH from Bird watch Ireland about the ” Roseate Tern” a sea bird that come to Ireland in the summer months…

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EU Funding for Swords Castle

Pat Meehan is talking to PAT BOYLE Architect from Fingal City Council about EU Funding for Swords Castle. A total of €40 million in grant assistance is being provided for local authorities for designated gateway and hub towns across Ireland. Fingal County Council has welcomed the news that Swords is to be included in the…

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Brian and the Vikings

Conor Doyle talks to author CHRIS JUDGE about the new book Brian and the Vikings. Brian is the smallest boy in the village. But he’s also the smartest. When the dangerous Vikings arrive it’s up to Brian to save the day with the help of his friends and his cleverest invention yet. The first adventure…

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Social Justice Irelands views on how to invest in Irelands Future

MICHELLE MURPHY of Social Justice Ireland talks to Ger Leddin about a press release from the group Ireland has the lowest investment level of all 28 European countries. Michelle explains the findings of their research, finding that over the previous six years government investment has fallen over 40%. Michelle speaks of a lack on investment…

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Kilbarrack Coast Community Programme Visiting Foreign Embassies In Dublin

John speaks to BRENDAN BURKE from the Kilbarrack Coast Community Programme who visited all the foreign embassies in Dublin. He talks about the background and services of the community programme, the activities that they do for different age groups, the idea behind visiting the embassies, the differences between some of the embassies and what he learned…

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Problems on the International Space Station

DAVID MOORE of Astronomy Ireland speaks to Noel McGuinness about the night sky in December 2013. David says this time of year is very interesting with the winter solstice having taken place just three days ago. He tells us which constellations are visible at this time and the number of planets that are visible. The…

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Near Death Experiences in Real Life Settings

DR PENNY SARTORI and ROBERT WILLIAMS talk to Mark Finnegan about near-death experiences. Dr Penny Sartori worked as a nurse in a British hospital for 21 years, 17 of those being in Intensive Care. She is highly experienced and skilled in her role as an intensive care staff nurse; and has conducted unique and extensive…

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