Near FM & MediaCorp Intercultural Project

GRACE WILENTZ pops in to update Noel McGuinness on the progress of the Near FM & MediaCorp Intercultural Project. With her she has two members of the latest group to come together: Celine, from Donaghmede, and Sylvia from Balina. At this point there are 17 participants in the project. They are learning a wide range…

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Dublin City Council’s Children’s Art in Libraries

Noel speaks to IRMA GORTHUIS, coordinator for the Dublin City Council’s Children’s Art in Libraries. She talks about the details of the exhibition called Lugo, the age range of the children involved in the exhibition, how the exhibition is encouraging the children to use their imagination and the different types of art that the children will be…

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First conference of Parish of the Travelling People

Ronnie speaks to FATHER DEREK FARRELL about how the conference went and what they hope to achieve in the time between this conference and the next conference.  Father Derek spoke of how integrated the travelling community are to the parish and their relationship with the local church…

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Grace O’Malley Brings The Music To Near FM

Local singer GRACE O’MALLEY comes into the Near FM studios (along with back up from Jimmy Sheerin and John Colbert) and plays a few tunes for Noel McGuinness. Grace tells Noel about her career has gone so far and where she gets her inspirations from. Three songs are performed live in studio: ‘Time Is Right…

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Dublin Toy Fair – RDS 2013: A Preview

PATRICK O’SULLIVAN, organiser of the forthcoming Christmas 2013 Toy Fair at the RDS, joins John Healy to discuss some of the event’s highlights. Patrick says all the top toy manufacturers will be represented but says that it’s about much more than just the toys. It will be a fun day out where visitors can take…

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New path proposal between Malahide Castle and Newbridge House

Noel McGuinness  interviews Counselor ANTHONY LAVIN (Fine Gael) from the Fingal County Council. Noel and Counselor Lavin are talking about the proposal to build a path linking Malahide Castle and Newbridge House. They were hosting a public consultation in Malahide Library, so everyone could have a  look at the proposal…

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Dublin Roses’ Belarus Trip in Aid of Chernoble Children

Pat Meehan talks to Dublin Rose participant GEMMA ROSE O’BRIEN about trhe trip in aid of Chernobyl Children International. Over five days the Roses worked in an orphanage that looks after children wirth special needs. They played with children and cared for them. Some 30,000 children are affected by problems resulting from the infamous nuclear…

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5 Lamps Arts Festival 2012

Festival coordinator, ROISIN LONERGAN gives Pat Meehan a preview of the 5 Lamps Arts Festival. She describes some of the events and performances taking place, including The Parting Glass and a celebration of the life of Delia Murphy in a show called, ‘I Live til I die’. They also discuss community gardens and the Dublin Dock workers…

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Walk to School Week

Sabrina Ryan interviews ALLY MENARY about the initiative called Walk to School Week, where they try to inform parents about the benefits of walking to school with the kids, avoiding the car when possible…

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Pyrite in Northside Schools

CIARAN DENISON TD talks to Pat Meehan about the Pyrite affecting the foundations of three Northside schools. Fixing the problem could cost the schools and the Department of Education millions of euros. The department are carrying out a risk assessment on local schools. Ciaran asks that other public bodies carry out similar risk assessments for…

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Dublin City Council Buying Dalymount Park

Connor Doyle speaks to councillor PAUL MC AULIFFE about the potential purchase of Dalymount park from Dublin city council for 3.4 million with the intention of building apartments on the land. If this happens it would be a great loss to the community, Bohemians football club has been there for many years & local people…

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Kilbarrack Coast Community Programme Visiting Foreign Embassies In Dublin

John speaks to BRENDAN BURKE from the Kilbarrack Coast Community Programme who visited all the foreign embassies in Dublin. He talks about the background and services of the community programme, the activities that they do for different age groups, the idea behind visiting the embassies, the differences between some of the embassies and what he learned…

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St Bridgid’s Girls National School Glasnevin 6th Green Flag

Mark Finnegan speaks to EMILY,HOLLY,AVA, & MS EDWARDS from St Bridgid’s girls national school in Glasnevin. They tell us about green schools which is an educational programme for the whole school to learn about the environment. They talk about reduce,reuse,recycle & how they recycled used markers & made a rainbow out of them. They are…

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Art on Dublin City Council Utility Boxes in Fairview

Pat speaks to ANNE & MARION who are involved in painting art on Dublin City Council utility boxes in Fairview. They talk about what they painted on the boxes, the stories behind some of the paintings, their involvement in their local art group in Marino, the enjoyment they got from the project, the time put into…

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