Anam Cara Helping Bereaved Parents

Noel McGuinness talks to SHARON VARD, CEO of Anam Cara, a support group for parents who have lost children. The loss of a child is every Mum and Dad’s worst nightmare, the pain goes deep. Family and friends try to understand, and indeed are going through their own grieving process, but the only person who…

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Ballaban Gallery’s Budget Day Exhibition

FRANK O’DEA the owner of Ballaban Gallery and artist himself discusses a satirical new exhibition ‘Budget Day’ with Pat Meehan. FRANK is well-known in the city for encouraging new artists, and for helping get street art into the mainstream. He discusses these aspects of his work as well.  …

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Children’s Minecraft Convention in Baldoyle

Pat speaks to HEIDI BODELL from the Baldoyle Forum about the Children’s Minecraft Convention in Baldoyle, Dublin 13. She talks about the idea behind the convention, the hooks they managed to get for the convention, the type of video game that Minecraft is like, the similarities of Minecraft to Lego, the details of the convention…

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What is Creative Mornings Dublin?

BRIAN COLHOUN of Creative Mornings Dublin joins Eoin Drinan to talk about the coffee morning set up as a networking event for people in the creative industries. He shares how they meet once a month and the event tends to draw very high profile members of the creative industries. He explains that each event has a…

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Fossetts Circus At 125 years Of Age

CHARLES O’BRIEN of Fossetts Circus speaks to Ger Leddin on the occasion of their 125th year in existence. Charles talks about the history of Fossetts Circus with the oldest official documentation of it reaching back to 1888, the new audience members attending the circus from outside of Ireland, the generations of families passing on memories…

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Cycling Against Suicide – Console

Pat Meehan is talking to CEO PAUL KELLY about Consoles Cycling Against Suicide.The Console 24/7 Suicide Helpline is available to anyone who is in suicidal crisis, to anyone who is concerned for someone else who may be in suicidal crisis, and for those who have been bereaved by suicide. It is a free professional counselling…

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Water Charges: Using Property Tax To Pay For Water Meters

Councillor MARY FITZPATRICK joins John Healy. They begin by discussing water charges and Phil Hogan’s promise to fix leaks in problem areas when domestic water charges are introduced. They discuss the “First fix free” plan which the government had committed to financing at the time. Mary says she has tried to contact various organisations to…

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Learning about “”

Eoin Drinan speaks to AILBHE MCCORMACK about her blog “”, an insight into an artist’s studio. Ailbhe explains where the idea came from, the places that artist can get their inspiration from, how she visits artists as part of her own work and the idea of her blog to allow fellow artists to explore each…

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Walk to School Week

Sabrina Ryan interviews ALLY MENARY about the initiative called Walk to School Week, where they try to inform parents about the benefits of walking to school with the kids, avoiding the car when possible…

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Clondarkin Towers Refugee Centre

Mark Finnegan talks with WAHEED MOHIUDDIN from the Clondarkin Towers Refugee Centre. Waheed came to Ireland as a refugee from Pakistan in 2015. He talks about current attitudes towards refugees/immigrants and some ways these could be changed. Waheed also talks about why he left Pakistan…

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Local Gig listing for first week of January 2013

DAVID BRYAN joins Noel McGuinness on the phone with a list of upcoming gigs for January including The Vibe for Philo 2013. They briefly discuss what Christmas single in history has earned the most money. They mention the First Fortnight festival including Mumblin deaf ro’ and others. They speak of showbands visiting the Helix venue…

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St Vincent de Paul Shops at Christmas

Vincent’s shops are a very important aspect of the service SVP provides. Not only do they provide people with new and lightly worn items at affordable prices, they also provide an income source for the Society, which is recycled directly back into the community. The shops are managed by a small number of professionals; assisted…

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Fintan Lawlor Solicitor

Noel Mc Guinness speaks with FINTAN LAWLOR who is a solicitor, he answers this weeks legal questions for listeners which include, Removing names from properties. When purchasing goods what gurantee’s  we have  when purchasing goods. Seperation & divorce…

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