Camara appeal

Ronnie O’Brien speaks to JOHN FITZSIMONS from Camara about the work that the organisation does, which includes sending computers to schools in poor countries to help people become digitally literate. John speaks about their work and how they source the computers that they send. He also details how they use these computers in challenging conditions in places…

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Lynk: Dublin’s Newest Taxi App

John Healy speaks to NOEL EBBS about the national taxi fare increase. NOEL is the spokesman & CEO from Lynk (Dublin’s newest taxi app). NOEL talks about the discount that is on offer at the moment with the taxi fares & how to download the app on your phone. He also talks about the increase…

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New Life Centre – Darndale

CHRISTINE O’KELLY speaks to John about the New Life Centre based in Darndale Belcamp and what it offers within the community such as after school clubs, computer courses, flower arranging, wood burning, beauty care and a number of others. They also offer free counselling. They talk about how they have a community bus which can…

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Documenting The Lives Of The ‘Undocumented’ in Ireland

GRACE WILENTZ, Near FM’s Intercultural Coordinator talks to Noel McGuinness about the latest series of ‘Culture Shots’. The aim of Culture Shots is to take a panel of eight people: Four Irish and four non-EU immigrants. The eight undertake a seven-week training course in community radio and intercultural media literacy that promotes equality and diversity…

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Volunteering in Kenya with the “Friends of Londiani”

ROSE HENNESSY from the Friends of Londiani speaks to John Healy about the “Harambee project”. Rose talks about the work that the Friends of Londiani does in Kenta, the lack of medical services and spaces in the Londiani area, the volunteers that come to help, how people can finance the trip and the results of…

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Fintan Lawlor Solicitor

Noel Mc Guinness speaks with FINTAN LAWLOR who is a solicitor, he answers this weeks legal questions for listeners which include, Removing names from properties. When purchasing goods what gurantee’s  we have  when purchasing goods. Seperation & divorce…

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LIFT Youth Arts Festival Rocks Ballymun

EMMA CONNORS, the Arts Development Coordinator at Axis, Ballymun talks to Noel McGuinness about the forthcoming 7th LIFT Youth Arts Festival in Ballymun. Thousands of young people take part in projects at Axis each year. Some of these – aged 16 – 17 years – form part of the Festival’s organising committee. They present workshops,…

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The Music Man Comes to St Mary’s Baldoyle

Mark Finnegan is joined by Transition year (TY) students SOPHIE O’ROURKE and SHANNON O’CONNOR along with Head Teacher SIOBHAN O’CONNELL from St Mary’s Secondary School in Baldoyle. Each year the TY students take part in a Transition Year Musical, this year’s production is The Music Man, The show will be a fantastic night of entertainment…

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Science Week Ireland 2013: Encouraging Active Participation

Professor Mark Ferguson from Science Week Ireland joins Eoin Drinan to discuss the workshops, exhibitions, and other events currently taking place across Ireland to mark Science Week 2013. Mark shares details of the Curiosity Lab and how it engages children and encourages their interest in science. They continue by discussing the way that many of…

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Senior Alert Scheme – follow up report

LINDA HAYDEN from the Darndale Belcamp Village Centre follows up with Pat Meehan on the success of the call out for the Senior Alert Scheme and offers contact details for anyone who would like to have the equipment installed in their home. Linda encourages listeners who already have the system installed to check it every week…

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MIC project closing date for applications

Mark Finnegan talks to MARK FLYNN pf MIC. MIC offers ‘portfolio courses to people who have dropped out of formal education. Entrants achieve a Fetac level 5 in anything from Sound Engineering or film-making to web and graphic design. Modules are also being offered now in c ommunications technology. The courses include modules on teamwork…

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Irish Girl Guides book launch

Pat Meehan speaks to CATHERINE O’CONNOR, the support officer from the Irish Girl Guides about a new book that they have launched. The book is about disseminating the Millennium Development Goals to young people by making them young person friendly. Catherine also discusses the background of the Irish Girl Guides and what they do, including giving…

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Moore Street Bond Scheme

Noel speaks to FRANK ALLEN about the Moore Street Bond Scheme that were selling bonds to support the preservation of Moore Street, Dublin 1. He talks about the background and reasons for the bond scheme, the historical significance of Moore Street, the response to the bond scheme from all over the world, the costs to restore…

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The Harp’s Place in the Shape of Irish Identity

Noel speaks to MARY LOUISE O’DONNELL, harpist, researcher and author where she talks about her book on the harp and its place in the shape of Irish identity. She talks about the history of the harp with its possibilities of originating from Africa or Middle East, how Ireland made the harp its own and produced…

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