RASP Official Opening


Mark reports from the RASP (Laneview Learning Centre) official opening.

Mark firstly speaks with KEVIN BEHAN, chairperson of the Board of Management. He talks about why they wanted to move to Laneview, the objections and work that is done by RASP and the alternative methods they use to help people in need.

He also talks how each individual comes into RASP, how they insist in giving equal help for all in need and how they are funded.

Mark then talks to PAMELA CLARK, a participant for RASP. She talks about the program she was on that helped her to get clean, the difficulty of taking the first few steps to recovery and the services they provide including activities such as art.

She also talks about her high praise of the environment from the staff, how her life has changed and her plans for the future.

Mark then talks to LARRY BYRNE, a director at RASP. He talks about his role with RASP, the constant approaches to finding funding, how they try to cooperate with other projects and how they prioritise on getting major funding

He also talks about the cuts they suffered from the recession and his hope about meeting ministers to access funding for RASP.

Mark then speaks to TERESA MORAKINYO, assistant general manager and senior supervisor in RASP. She talks about her delight to have the new facility open alongside the other community projects, the feedback they get back from the community, the need to adapt for every case coming in and the dangers of cannabis on today’s society.

Mark finally speaks to PAT HANNA, general manager in RASP. He talks about the progress to finally move to Laneview after a lot of work over the years and the challenges on the way.

RASP Telephone: 8774184

Duration: 23'51" DATE: October 14, 2015
Interviewer:John Healy, Mark Finnegan
Producer:John Healy
Interviewee:Kevin Behan, Pamela Clark, Larry Byrne, Teresa Morakinyo, Pat Hanna
Themes:Irish Life & Culture, Local Current Affairs, Community Events, Global Issues with a Local Focus
Keywords:RASP Official Opening, RASP, Laneview Learning Centre, Pre-entry Stabilisation Group, Drug Recovery, Government Funding, Community,
LocationLaneview Learning Centre, Malahide Road Industrial Estate, Co. Dublin Time Period:2015
Type:Sound Language:English
Creator:Near FM Publisher:Near FM
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