Forest Eireann, Plain Cigarette Packaging


Mark Finnegan speaks to JOHN MALLON who is the spokesman for the speakers group Forest Eireann. He talks about plain packaging cigarettes & how it would be a huge  & unnecessary risk for the government to take. If this was to happen it would make it a lot harder for sales assistants to distinguish the different packets of cigarettes & wont make a big difference people will still buy cigarettes, instead of doing this why don’t the government promote more of the electronic cigarettes.

Duration: 15'00" DATE: February 23, 2015
Interviewer:Mark Finnegan
Producer:Mark Finnegan
Interviewee:John Mallon
Themes:Local News
Keywords:Forest Eireann, Plain Cigarette Packaging, Huge And Unnecessary Risk, Electronic Cigarettes
LocationIreland Time Period:2015
Type:Sound Language:English
Creator:Near FM Publisher:Near FM
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