The Day The Poppy Met The Shamrock

Author DEZI JAY M talks to P Mehan about his new book ‘The Day The Poppy Met The Shamrock’. The book is about homelessness and resettlement, but also touches on Desi’s family history. His great grandfather died of wounds recieved whilst serving in the British army in WW1, whilst his grandfather fought with the IRA…

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Asgard Howth gun running

NESSA CHILDERS MEP talks to Noel McGuinness about the commemorations for the 100th anniversary of the famous Howth gun running incident in which hundreds of weapons were landed at Howth harbour in preparation for the 1916 rising…

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MIC project closing date for applications

Mark Finnegan talks to MARK FLYNN pf MIC. MIC offers ‘portfolio courses to people who have dropped out of formal education. Entrants achieve a Fetac level 5 in anything from Sound Engineering or film-making to web and graphic design. Modules are also being offered now in c ommunications technology. The courses include modules on teamwork…

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Increased protection for domestic workers

Noel talks to TINA from the Domestic Workers’ Action Group about human rights abuses, exploitation, and discrimination perpetrated on foreign domestic workers by unscrupulous employers in Ireland. New legislation has been passed here, ratifying EU laws on exploitation, but the abuse goes on. The DWAG continues to campaign for change, but it’s hard to prosecute…

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SCOOP foundation event in Sugar Club

SORCHA MELLON, education support officer of SCOOP (Supporting Children Out Of Poverty) talks to Mark Finnegan about the forthcoming screening of the film ‘A River Changes Course’ at the Sugar Club in Dublin. The film is a documentary about the effects of globalisation on the poorest people in the world. She also talks about SCOOP’s…

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Rhythms of the Port (002)

Mark Finnegan talks to Declan Byrne of the Dockworkers’ Preservation Society about an exhibition looking at the history of Dublin Port and surrounding areas. They talk about how time and economic changes had huge social implications for those who lived and worked in the area, all those who came into contact with them…

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Rhythms of the Port (Part 1)

Noel McGuinness visits the Rhythms of the Port exhibition on Sir John Rogerson’s Quay near Ringsend and chats with artist MAURA SWEENEY and NOEL BYRNE of the Dockworkers’ Preservation Society…

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