Complaints for Garth Brooks Concerts in Croke Park

Pat Meehan interviews ROBBIE COUSINS resident of the Croke Park Area about the proposal to hold 5 Garth Brooks concerts in Croke Park this summer. He denounces that they had agreed with the GAA that if they exceeded the amount of three concerts in a year, they would let them know if it was OK with them, and that…

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Mammas in their Pyjamas

Pat Meehan interviews MIRIAM O’NEILL from AA Ireland about a funny situation coming up quite often, and they’ve called it “Mammas in their Pyjamas”. They’ve had to rescue some mortified mums in pyjamas in the school run, as well as some other funny rescues, as Batman or a clown…

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Shampoodles dog grooming

John Healy interviews RACHEL CUNNING accompanied by GERRY COOLEY. Rachel set her own business called  Shampoodles, which is a dog grooming service. She’s talking about facing obstacles like starting a business, finding new clients, holding clients and about her job itself…

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Stardust Families staging sit-in at Government Buildings

Noel McGuinness interviews JOHN LYONS from People Before Profit about the Families from the Stardust Fire. The Stardust Fire left 48 dead young people. The families of that victims are searching for justice for so many years, but haven’t found it so far. Fighting for justice they’re getting in contact with the Government to set…

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Salaries and pension arrangements by Irish Water Senior Management

Ger interviews senator DAVID CULLINANE from Sinn Fein, who critizises the senior management of Irish Water, their salaries and pension arrangements. He talks about the case of former county manager from Waterford Ray O’Dwyer who saw this years in the public service added at his pension arrangements and got later hired as head of operations of…

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Edmund Rice Camp fundraiser

John Healy interviews PAUL O’MARA and ANDREW GOUGH, volunteers in the Edmund Rice Summer Camps, about the  activities they do with the kids and how they try to help them. They inform about different fund raises, they’re currently planning  and they talk about the Waxathon organized at St Vincents GAA Club…

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Innovative parking options in Dublin City

Sabrina Ryan interviews GER LEDDIN about innovative parking options available in Dublin City. A system called Smart Parking has been tested in San Francisco, Birmingham and London, and this system gives you information about the  availability of parking spots, so there is no need searching for a free parking slot anymore…

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