Seeking Fair Trade and Fair Treatment in the Asian Garment Industry


KATE NOLAN, organiser of Clean Clothes Campaign Ireland, speaks to Eoin Drinan about this lobbying group and its goals. The Clean Clothes Campaign is an international organisation dedicated to informing consumers and importers all over the world about the dreadful working conditions imposed on workers in the garment industry across Asia.

Kate tells Eoin that the campaign was established in 2010 and works with established groups in 16 countries to lobby for ethical treatment and fair trade rights for workers in the Asian garment industry. These workers – including many children – survive on subsistence wages, and in terrible conditions, as evidenced when a garment factory collapsed in Bangladesh. Subsequent news coverage of this event highlighted the consistent mistreatment of workers, and the fact that the goods they produce are sold in high street stores throughout Ireland and the rest of the world.

Kate says the reality of the workers’ plight needs to be on everyone’s radar. She also says that retailers should respect their consumers’ opinions about buying and selling unethically sourced clothing.

Duration: 07'14" DATE: October 31, 2013
Interviewer:Eoin Drinan
Producer:Eoin Drinan
Interviewee:Kate Nolan
Themes:Global Issues with a Local Focus
Keywords:Clean Clothes, Lobbying, Fair Trade, Asian, Minimum Wage, Workers' Rights
LocationInternational Time Period:2013
Type:Sound Language:English
Creator:Near FM Publisher:Near FM
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