National Soup Week 2013


Eoin Drynan speaks to GARETH CROWE from Gorta Ireland about the upcoming Soup Week in March 2013. They discuss the purpose of the campaign and mention how 5c for each cup of soup you drink at home (bought from Erin soup) goes towards the campaign.

Every organisation (restaurants, canteens etc) involved will donate 1euro for each cup of soup bought. 2013 was their fourth year running.


They speak a little about the work of Gorta and the type of sustainable development work that they carry out.

Duration: 06'28" DATE: February 28, 2013
Interviewer:Eoin Drinan
Producer:Eoin Drinan
Interviewee:Gareth Crowe
Themes:Irish Life & Culture
Keywords:soup for life, national soup week, gorta, Gareth Crowe, erin soup, charity campaign, fallon and byrne, avoca, blazing salads
LocationDublin Ireland Time Period:2013
Type:Sound Language:English
Creator:Near FM Publisher:Near FM
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