LORCAN O’TOOLE of the Eagle Trust speaks to Noel McGuinness about the poisoning of Eagles in Ireland. Lorcan explains that in some cases farmers leave out poison aimed at Foxes and crows to protect cattle. They speak specifically of the poisoning of a White Tailed eagle. They then talk of the Eagle trusts work throughout…
Thousands of people gathered in the capital to urge the Government to do more to help refugees risking their lives to get to Europe. Marching though the Dublin’s city ...
15 Sep 2015
Mark Finnegan talks to Cllr DEIDRE HENEY from Fianna Fáil. Deirdre is a Candidate in the Dublin Bay North Constituency for Election 2016. As the campaign enters its final days, ...
22 Feb 2016
Vincent’s shops are a very important aspect of the service SVP provides. Not only do they provide people with new and lightly worn items at affordable prices, they also ...
11 Dec 2012
RENUA Ireland TD, TERENCE FLANAGAN welcomes news that construction work began on the Dublin Bay cyclepath in Clontarf this week. Chatting to Pat Meehan, he says: “There is currently ...
28 May 2015
Noel McGuinness interviews CIARAN MURRAY about the effect the cuts in Community Employment could have in the local ...
09 Dec 2011