Surveys of Parental Preferences on Primary School Patronage


Minister RUAIRI QUINN T.D. is interviewed here about the survey for parents in Whitehall.

Surveys undertaken in five pilot areas on primary school patronage show that there is parental demand for a greater choice of patron in each town.
The surveys were conducted in Arklow, Castlebar, Tramore, Trim and Whitehall as part of the Minister for Education & Skills’ response to the Forum on Patronage and Pluralism in the Primary sector. These five areas were chosen to pilot the survey before it is extended to the balance of 44 towns identified following the Forum Report.
The surveys show that in the five areas Educate Together has emerged as the first choice of alternative patron. Each of the five towns already has an existing Gaelscoil, which is capable of accommodating the demand expressed for Irish language medium schools.
Publishing the Department’s report on the five surveys to the New Schools Establishment Group, the body tasked with verifying the information, Minister Ruairí Quinn T.D. said, “Parents have been given a voice through this survey process to express a preference for the types of schools they want to send their children to. While many are happy with the schools already available in their area, there is a clear demand from others for greater choice.”
– See more at:

Duration: 14'57" DATE: October 30, 2012
Interviewer:Noel McGuinness
Producer:Zandra Ball
Interviewee:Ruairi Quinn TD
Themes:Local News
Keywords:Quinn, Ministers, Education, Whitehall, Surveys, Parents
LocationDublin, Ireland Time Period:2012
Type:Sound Language:English
Creator:Near FM Publisher:Near FM
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