Community Workers Cooperative and Climate Justice


ANN IRWIN from the Community Workers Cooperative (established in 1981) talks about climate Justice Report and disadvantaged communities.

The cooperative is a national organisation. The organisation has recently lost its funding for staff. It is now operated purely on a voluntary basis.

Climate issues are issues for community work, says Ann. This is because those most affected by climate change are those that are already disadvantaged. Thus the concept of climate justice is – or should be – integral to climate change policy development.

Duration: 14'38" DATE: July 4, 2012
Interviewer:Noel Mc Guiness
Producer:Zandra Ball
Interviewee:Ann Irwin
Themes:Community Events
Keywords:Community, community workers coop
LocationDublin Time Period:2012
Type:Sound Language:English
Creator:Near FM Publisher:Near FM
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