Dollymount Sea Scouts Undertake Historic Sponsored Walk


DERMOT DURACK of the 5th Port Dollymount Sea Scouts talks to Noel McGuinness about the forthcoming Tom Crean Sponsored Walk.

The funds raised by the walk will all go to St Francis Hospice in Raheny, where one of the troop’s leaders passed away last year.

Usually, the Sea Scouts put their fund-raising efforts towards financing their own activities. However, as a mark of respect to their lost leader, they decided to change things around this year.

This Saturday’s event also marks the 100th anniversary of Tom Crean’s famous Arctic rescue walk, and so a sponsored walk seemed appropriate.

Duration: 10'28" DATE: February 14, 2012
Interviewer:Noel McGuinness
Producer:Zandra Ball
Interviewee:Dermot Durack
Themes:Local News
Keywords:Sea Scouts, Sponsored Walks, Tom Crean, St Francis Hospice, Dollymount
LocationNorth Dublin Time Period:2012
Type:Sound Language:English
Creator:Near FM Publisher:Near FM
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