Sinn Fein councillor DESSIE ELLIS speaks to Yvette Reid about the problem of illegal dumping in the St. Margaret’s area of Finglas. Yvette speaks of her own experience of such problems and Dessie offers suggestions on some ways that the community may prevent such dumping. He says similar issues were addressed in the Dunsink Lane…
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MICHELLE MURPHY of Social Justice Ireland joins Ronnie O’Brien to discuss the government budget 2013. They discuss the difference felt by low earners brought about by changes to PRSI ...
16 Jan 2013
VICTORIA DURRER joins Paula Wiseman to discuss the website which stands for Your Arts Map. Victoria tells how the website aims to spread the word about arts and ...
11 Oct 2012
Pat Meehan speaks to North Dublin Carer of the Year 2012, SHARON SALEM. This award is given by the Carers Association. Sharon’s mother nominated her for the award after she ...
21 May 2012
JACKIE HAUGHEY from the Citizens Information Centre joins John Healy to talk about how people can combat issues with “Noisy Neighbours” in their community. Jackie talks about what options are available for people including legal ...
10 Jul 2013
Professor TOTI MATTIESSEN joins Ger Leddin to discuss the recovery of the Icelandic economy. Professor Mattiessen also publicises his forthcoming coming talk in Dublin. We hear how the Icelanders ...
24 Oct 2013