MICHAEL O’BRIEN and PRIONSIAS O’CONARAIN talk to Mark Finnegan about the on-going campaign against payment of water charges in Ireland…
Tag Archives: taxation
Claim our Future’s Plan B for fixing our economy
Ronnie O’Brien speaks to part of the group “Claiming our Future”. The group lobbies to create a more sustainable Ireland. They discuss the group’s “Plan B” (Plan A being the government’s plan to fix the economy). They speak about the details of the alternative plan that they have put together and the changes they would suggest…
Fighting for Marriage Equality for LGBT Community
RONNIE O’BRIEN interviews MONINNE GRIFFITH about the Marriage Equality organisation. Marriage Equality is a not for profit, single issue, national grassroots advocacy organisation whose goal is to achieve equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people in Ireland through the extension of civil marriage rights to same-sex couples. Marriage Equality’s vision is of an…
Household Charge is Unethical, Says Mairead
MAIREAD McLOUGHLIN is in studio to discuss the Campaign Against Hosehold Charge is a blanket tax that affectsa every home in the State. Everyone, regardless of income, employment status, or family circumstances, is required to pay. MAIREAD’s objection to the Charge is not political, it is a matter of principle. My home is not an…