LUKE BOKHA of the Anti Racism Network of Ireland speaks to Eoin Drinan about the Erase Racism exhibition, launched on the 19th March 2013. Luke explains what the purpose of the exhibition is, as part of the European week against racism. They speak about 21st of March being a day set a side by the…
Tag Archives: racism
Soccerfest 2011
Noel interviews KEN MCCUE from SARI (Sports Against Racism Ireland) about the Soccerfest in the Phoenix Park, a really solid event that has been runningĀ for 15 years already…
Threats To Roma Family
PAT GUERIN talks to ION ZATREANU, a member of the Roma Community living in Coolock, on racist motivated incidents, discrimination and threats to his family…
Residents Against Racism
PAT GUERIN talks to ROSANNA FLYNN from Residents Against Racism, a group campaigning against all forms of racism in Ireland, on the history and activities of the group as well as the situation of asylum seekers in Ireland…