Sinn Fein councillor DESSIE ELLIS speaks to Yvette Reid about the problem of illegal dumping in the St. Margaret’s area of Finglas. Yvette speaks of her own experience of such problems and Dessie offers suggestions on some ways that the community may prevent such dumping. He says similar issues were addressed in the Dunsink Lane…
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Noel interviews KAY LONERGAN from Dublin Parks Tennis, who explains how they’ve spread the chance to play tennis all over the Northside of ...
01 Jul 2011
NESSA CHILDERS MEP talks to Noel McGuinness about the commemorations for the 100th anniversary of the famous Howth gun running incident in which hundreds of weapons were landed at ...
22 Jul 2014
ANGELA BRODERICK, Chair of the East Wall Residents’ Association chats to Noel McGuinness about events in East Wall starting tomorrow December 7, 2012). At the weekend Paddy the Butchers ...
07 Dec 2012
Mark Finnegan speaks to CLARE KENNEDY who is the daughter in law of Tommy Kennedy who has gone missing from his home in Finglas in June of 2014. She ...
12 Jan 2015
Noel interviews LILIAN WHELAN, Development Librarian at Fingal Libraries, about the Fingal Annual Writers Festival, called “Writing ...
11 Oct 2011