Ger Leddin reports from Northern Ireland, where he has visited the Folk and Transport Museum in Hollywood. He interviews some staff members reenacting the old skills that blacksmiths would have had. He also interviews RUTH TURLINGTON, the Visitors Services Manager, about how they try to bring the visitors backin time…
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GILLIAN KENNY of Friends of Medievil Dublin joins Pat Meehan to discuss “Tales of Medievil Dublin”. A series of talks that have been run each year since 2010. All ...
17 Jun 2013
Pat Meehan talks to MIRIAM KERINS of Dublin Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (DSPCA) about the clampdown on the horse markets in Smithfield. The problem as Miriam ...
09 Jan 2012
Pat Meehan speaks to PAULA WISEMAN & MARK FINNEGAN who are on a steam train from Connolly station, an event which is being run by Fingal county council libraries,the ...
05 Mar 2015
RONAN O’NEILL of Brown Bag Films and event organisaer of the Equinox Charity Cycle talks to Noel about this, the fourth year that the event takes place. Equinox cyclists ...
19 Sep 2014
Noel interviews ROBERT MCCAFFERTY from Suaimhneas and Psychotherapist CAROLINE McGUIGAN about the Amnesty International campaign on Mental Health As A Human Rights ...
13 Sep 2011