ROY BARRON a guide with the OPW tells Mark Finnegan about the Living History weekend at Phoenix Park this weekend. There will be a ‘Living History’ weekend at the Phoenix Park Visitor Centre on Saturday, 19th & Sunday, 20th September from 10am – 5pm. Military Life from the Viking era, Age of Chivalry, Napoleonic War,…
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John speaks to ALISON GILLILAND about the charter for fair conditions at work and the building plans for the Oscar Traynor Road. She talks about her background with Labour ...
11 Nov 2015
JOE MOONEY of the East Wall History group talks Yvette Reid. Joe begins by outlining the history of the 1913 ‘Lockout’. It seems that many East Wall families ...
30 Sep 2013
Conor Doyle talks to author CHRIS JUDGE about the new book Brian and the Vikings. Brian is the smallest boy in the village. But he’s also the smartest. When ...
03 Sep 2015
Noel speaks to CORMAC LOWTH from the Irish Maritime Archaeological Society about the history of the Trawlers of Ringsend. He talks about the lecture to be given in the ...
30 Oct 2015
MARY GAMBLE of Childline joins Yvette Reid to discuss the “Stay silent so children can be heard” campaign. This is a sponsored silence event to highlight the issue of ...
02 Sep 2013