ANDREW SMYTH joins Pat Meehan to discuss “Free Wifi” spots being introduced to the main shopping thoroughfares in Dublin city centre and the positive implications of this. They talk of how sustainable keeping the hotspots as a “free service” might be and also discuss the benefits to wifi providers,through advertisement etc, being used to create…
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CAROLINE BERGIN CROSS talks to NOEL about a forthcoming Macra Na Feirme event which is designed to introduce its 9000 members to each other, and to the wider community ...
04 Jul 2014
YAQOUB BOU AYNAYA talks to Mark Finnegan about his post-graduate research into Irish identity. What does it mean to be Irish? What are the implications of nationalism in a ...
28 Jul 2014
A group of children from St.Columbus school recite poetry live at the Christmas celebration Mass on 19th December 2012. The congregation then sing “Silent Night”. [LOW SOUND LEVEL IN ...
19 Dec 2012
Noel Mc Guinness speaks to PATRICK FINNEGAN from The North County Leader Paper about the stories that are in the paper this week. They speak about three stories that ...
27 Jan 2015
PHILLIP JENNINGS joins Yvette Reid to discuss the music festival and who will be a part of it. It’s an over 13’s event and was launched as an alternative ...
25 Mar 2013