Noel MCGuinness is talking to JIMMY DIGNAM Workers Party candidate for Dublin North West about his election campaign and the New Educate Together Secondary School in Whitehall. Jimmy Dignam is an anti-austerity activist and has been active in socialist politics for many years. He is a member of the Campaign Against the Household and Water…
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Pat Meehan talks to PAMELA MEATES about her autistic son, Evan. They discuss how Evan needs additional structure and routine in summer months when he’s not in school. Pamela ...
18 Jun 2012
Ronnie O’Brian speaks to NIALL HATCH from Bird watch Ireland about the ” Roseate Tern” a sea bird that come to Ireland in the summer ...
11 Jun 2011
CHRISTINE O’KELLY speaks to John about the New Life Centre based in Darndale Belcamp and what it offers within the community such as after school clubs, computer courses, flower ...
19 Sep 2012
Three years ago, JOANNE COLLINS was made redundant from her job as a sales manager. She didn’t let this get her down and decided to go into business for ...
17 Jan 2012
JESSICA CLOHISEY, ambassador for Cycle Against Suicide, talks to Noel McGuinness about the forthcoming Sail Against Suicide at Clontarf Yacht & Boat Club. Cycle Against Suicide was founded by ...
18 Sep 2015