JESSICA YATES speaks to Pat Meehan about the “Bloomsday Survival Kit” which is a little bag that can be carried with you along the route on blooms day, filled with props relating to the event. She speaks of it’s purpose as well as some of the items that are included in each bag. Related to…
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Noel interviews DAVE FRUH, musician that helps organize the musical part of the Phizz Fest in Phibsboro, where they try mainly to help promote local ...
09 Sep 2011
AUDREY McGARRIGLE joins Ger Leddin in conversation. Audrey’s son, Liam, is six years of age. He has a mild learning disability and a severe expressive and effective language delay. ...
01 Aug 2013
Amanda Ni Ghabhann interviews Deputy Mayor BRIAN McDOWELL on the official opening of the Belmayne Allotments. residents they found there was a need for people to have space to have a garden, ...
20 May 2014
Noel speaks to THOMAS GARRY about the AXA Bikecare Skerries 100 Bike Races He talks about the background of the races, it’s expansion over the years and how it ...
27 Jun 2014
Channel 4 News journalist JOHNATHAN MILLER joins Eoin Drinan on the eve of World Press Freedom Day. Johnathan tells Eoin about some of his own experiences in the field ...
02 May 2013