BERNIE GALLAGHER speaks to John Healy about the “Love to Learn” bus organised by Aontas. She explains how the event was a success and tells of upcoming events to promote adult learning as part of the Aontas “Adult Learners Festival”. Bernie encourages people to attend and bring a friend and to use the events as…
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OLIVE BARRETT speaks to Paula Wiseman about an exhibition taking place in the Talbot Gallery featuring photographersKaren Forester,Austin Hearn, Louise Marlboro and painter John Moore as well as Olives ...
11 Feb 2013
Noel speaks to IRMA GORTHUIS, coordinator for the Dublin City Council’s Children’s Art in Libraries. She talks about the details of the exhibition called Lugo, the age range of ...
04 Dec 2015
PHIL BOUGHTON of Volunteer Ireland speaks to Pat Meehan about the search for Volunteer of the Year for 2013. Phil urges listeners to nominate their own local heroes. The ...
23 Sep 2013
John Healy speaks to CIAN CONNAUGHTON from crimestoppers about the work they do & their annual report. Their confidential line is open from 9am -9pm every day & their ...
25 Mar 2015
Mark Finnegan speaks to KATHERINE MC SHARRY who is team leader of public services at the National library of Ireland talking about upcoming events which are taking place.This consists ...
09 Feb 2015