Peter McVerry Trust – Homelessness in Dublin update

PAT DOYLE of the Peter McVerry Trust joins Pat Meehan to give an update on the homelessness situation in Dublin. Pat explains that the numbers of homeless has risen since 2011. The trust has opened a new hostel in 2012. The city council has opened a new hostel. If you cannot get a bed on any…

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Art Exhibition in the Graphic Studio Gallery

From the Graphic Studio Gallery, Barbara is speaking MARGARET TUFFY and PAULA KENNEDY. Margaret is one of the 3 artists exhibiting their work in the gallery and Paula is the gallery manager. Margaret describes what her work is based on, what influences her to investigate her work further and how she made her pieces. She also talks about…

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Senior Citizen Alert Scheme

LINDA HAYDEN of the Darndale/Belcamp Village Centre talks to Pat Meehan about the new Senior Citizen Alert Scheme. This is a system that they fit in peoples’ homes where an alarm allows older people to contact a support person in case of Emergency. The alarm is worn by the person. A monitored smoke detector, carbon monoxide, and Internal…

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Sewage Plant

JOHN HEALY speaks to LORCAN O’ TOOLE about Fingal County Council proposing to erect a huge sewage plant in the Rush/ Lusk area of North County Dublin. Residents are not happy about this, listen in to hear more…

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BEO Trad and Ballad Festival

Lisa talks to MARK O’BRIEN from the Axis Theatre, Ballymun about the BEO Trad and Ballad Festival. He talks about the community initiative that brought the festival to take place, the artists that will be performing and other events such as workshops that will take place in the festival. He also talks about the idea…

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Award winning play “Pondling” at Axis Ballymun

Noel McGuinness interviews GENEVIEVE HULME-BEAMAN, writer and solo perfomer of the play “Pondling”. She explains how she developed the idea for the play and feels encouraged to keep writing appart from har acting career. After succesfully acting in Galway she presents the play at Axis Ballymun. She considers it to be a family piece, with both…

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Amen Services Annual Report & International Men’s Day

John speaks to AOIFE MCGRATH from Amen Services about the Annual Report and International Men’s Day. She talks about the services that Amen Services provide for men who suffer from domestic abuse, the families that would be contacting them over their concerns, the reaction they got from their last campaign, the amount of services they…

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DCTV and the Irish TV Digital “Switch-over”

John speaks to CIARÁN MOORE from Dublin Community Television. They begin by explaining the difference between community television and commercial television. Ciarán explains how and where DCTV broadcasts, and then how the switch-over to digital will affect the station as well as what it is likely to change with the digital introduction. Ciarán explains what has happened in the…

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St. Michael’s House on budget cuts to disability services

John Healy speaks to NOEL DILLON of St Michael’s House about what they provide in terms of services around Dublin and Meath including their work supported employment services and training centres. They discuss possible problems created by further impending budget cuts. They move on to talk about what parents can do to support the service…

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Profile of Social enterprise organisation Clann Credo

Ronnie O’Brien speaks to PAUL O SULLIVAN CEO of Clann Credo, a social investment fund. Paul explains what the company does, as a social initiative. They talk about capital being put to work to help people as well as  to satisfy its own needs. They are a social enterprise that deals in finance. They ask…

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What is the Washington Ireland Programme?

RAY MORAN, Student and member of the Washington Ireland Programme speaks to Eoin Drinan and explains the purpose of the programme. Having applied for it in his final year in college, he shares with listeners that his interest was sparked by “having a passion for something and doing  something about proactively changing things” – a…

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Intercultural Media Project 10-10-2011

PAT GUERIN has GRACE WILENTZ, Intercultural Dialogue through Community Media Coordinator at Near Media Co-op, talking on updates about the Intercultural Media Project at Near FM and the upcoming episode of “Culture Shots” …

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