Noel speaks to DIARMUID MCHUGH about the 7th annual Edenmore festival He talks about the teams and people who contribute to the festival. how vital the teamwork is for making the festival a success and the funding for Edenmore Park from the Dublin City Council. He also talks about the civil services’ participation and the reason for the…
Near FM & MediaCorp Intercultural Project
GRACE WILENTZ pops in to update Noel McGuinness on the progress of the Near FM & MediaCorp Intercultural Project. With her she has two members of the latest group to come together: Katrina, from Moldova, and Leah, from Dublin. At this point there are 17 participants in the project. They are learning a wide range…
Legislation against FMG Required
GRACE WILENTZ, NEAR FM Cultural Coordinator, and PEG McMANUS from the Intercultural Group tell Pat Meehan what’s coming up on the Culture Shots programme. A major issue under the microscope is FGM (Female Genital Mutilation). It is estimated that some 3000 women in Ireland have undergone this ritual, many of them being abducted in order…
Liberties Festival 2013
MICHAEL CONLAN, an organizer of the Liberties Festival joins Noel McGuinness to talk about the upcoming Liberties festival and what it entails for the year 2013. Michael talks about some of the events in the festival such as a concert at St. Patrick’s festival, the purpose of the festival for the people in the Liberties area of Dublin, the…
Supporting Local Business in North Dublin
GERRY COOLEY of Near fm talks about the Business Partnership Initiative with local businessman Sean Hanley from the Coolock Tile Outlet about running a business in north Dublin as part of the “Supporting Local Business” initiative…
Dublin Streets Showing Support and Solidarity With Paris
Flavia speaks a few people from France and Ireland on the Dublin streets during the March for Paris in support and solidarity with Paris following the tragic attacks. The people talk about their concerns if family members are anywhere near the attacks, the sadness about the attacks, their determination to go to work in tribute to…
Tradfest 2013 preview
PAUL LOUGHRAN speaks to Noel McGuinness about the upcoming broadcast live from Tradfest 2013. We hear how it will be broadcast across a number of Community stations in the Dublin region. We hear some of the planned performers on the day and what will be heard on the day…
Sight Loss
RONNIE O’BRIEN speaks with Des Kenny, who is CEO of the National Agency of Working for People with Sight Loss. Des speaks about making a case to the government for the investment of eye care in the form of treatment & how in the long run we can save money by doing this…
The Large Death Of Bees In 2012 & Their Importance To Society
Federation Of Irish Beekeepers Association member, MICHAEL GLEESON talks to Pat Meehan from the annual Beekeepers summer course in Gormanstown, Co. Meath. Michael talks about the history of the summer course, how the population of honey bees in Ireland was cut in half by 2013, the importance of bees in terms of planting, the mite…
Bram Stoker Centenary Celebrations
PAUL MURRAY, Biographer of Bram Stoker talks to NOEL McGUINNESS about Bram Stokers Centenary. Paul was commissioned to write a biography of Stoker in the 1990s. There were many surprises uncovered in the research for the novel. Stoker was an important figure in Dublin in his day and is, oddly, more celebrated abroad than at…
Bohemians’ ‘Walking Football’ Makes Getting Fit A Social Activity For Over 50s
CHRIS BRYAN of Bohemians’ Foundation talks to Mark Finnegan about Walking Football. The Bohemian Foundation is starting a new walking football initiative in Ballymun. If successful, it will be extended to other areas of Dublin. The aim of the project is to encourage people over the age of 50 to get active. There are big…
The Birthing of Near FM: Twenty Years Of Community Media
John Healy talks to JACK BYRNE about the setting up of the Near FM media co-op twenty years ago this year…
Asgard Howth gun running
MICHAEL SHARP talks to P Meehan about the Howth Gun Running centenary celebrations…

Possible merger of Coolock Artane and Swords Credit Unions
Jack Byrne interviews MICHAEL McKENNA from Swords Credit Union and NOEL CUNNINGHAM from Coolock Artane Credit Union about the proposed merger of both Credit Unions and about the effect this could have in members. They explain that the money will be safe, the loans will keep in same conditions and it will probably have a…
Guitar Festival of Ireland 2011
Noel interviews SIMON GROGAN, guitarist and co-organizer of the Guitar Festival of Ireland about the upcoming bands and various events in the National Concert Hall…