JOHN LYONS updates John Healy on the current campaign against property and water tax. He speaks about the number of people who have boycotted the property charge. He speaks of the government handing over 1 Billion in October 2012 to bondholders. They discuss what would happen if the property tax was abolished or dropped and they discuss…
Proposal To Build Houses in St. Paul’s, Raheny
Pat speaks to Cllr. NAOISE Ó MUIRÍ (Fine Gael) on a proposal to build 400 houses in the grounds of St. Paul’s, Raheny near St. Anne’s Park. He talks about the controversy behind the proposal, where exactly the proposal may take place, the background of the developer, who decides whether the land can go ahead with any…

Swords Castle: Digging History
GERRY CLABBY talks to Pat Meehan about the the Swords Castle Conservation Plan. Swords Castle: Digging History is the first Community Archaeology project designed and supported by Fingal County Council. It is a unique means of engaging people, locals and tourists alike, with one of the county’s premier cultural and tourist assets. A series of…
Concerns Over New Housing Plans for Oscar Traynor Road
John speaks to AUSTIN MCCOY and JIM EVESTON from the Lorcan Residents Association about concerns over new housing plans for Oscar Traynor Road, Coolock. They talk about the background of the plans going back as long as 40 years ago, the developer’s plans to include ten storey units, their hopes to talk to the developers…
Social Justice Ireland
RONNIE O’ BRIEN speaks to SEAN HEALY from Social Justice Ireland about the work they do and their plans for a more equitable Ireland…
Swords 1014 commemoration
Noel McGuinness interviews PAUL BARNES, events officer at Fingal County Council about the Swords 1014 commemoration, which mark the connection of Swords with the 1000th anniversary of the Battle of Clontarf and the death of Brian Boru as well as Fingal’s strong links to the Vikings. He explains the different events that will take place as well as…

Currach racing in East Wall
DAVE KELLY speaks to Noel McGuinness about the upcoming Currach Races at East Wall, Dublin. Dave explains his devotion to Currach racing both on the Liffey and further afield. Dave shares details of how to get involved with the sport, at the Tolka estuary to sample life in the Currach. They share details of Currach racing…
Bikes Break into the Mainstream at Fr Collins Park
Bike week is taking place next week and there are a series of events scheduled around the country from June 16 to 24th 2012. These events have been organised by community groups, charities and cycling circles. PETER O’BRIEN, organiser of the Fr. Collins Park, Dublin bash, talks to Noel McGuinness Yestival! launches bike week on…
The Log Cabin Republicans movement in American politics
GREGORY T ANGELO speaks to Eoin Drinan about the Log Cabin Republicans movement who represent LGBT republicans in America. Gregory shares the history of the formation of the group and its connections with Ronald Reagan. They discuss the purpose of the party and their working fighting for the rights of LGBT within the political landscape…
16 Layers Play Live In Studio
The Northside band 16 Layers come into the Near FM studios to play a few of their songs live and chat with Pat Meehan. The songs are: Exile 00.23 03.59 Golden Ratio 06.34 10.25 Nervous Tremors 15.10 19.34 No Strings 24.10 27.34…
White Collar Boxing Charity Event in Ayrfield Community Centre
Conor speaks with LORRAINE SHEILS about the “White Collar” boxing charity event in aid of St. Francis Hospice, Raheny on the 10th of Oct in the Ayrfield Community Centre. She talks about the community effort made for the event, the sponsors involved in the event, the hope of continuing the event for years to come,…
PLAN Working in Ethiopia
GERALDINE KELLY talks to Noel McGuinness about her recent trip to Ethiopia working with PLAN Ireland. PLAN sponsors children in developing countries by working in communities to identify the most pressing needs. On this trip, Geraldine was deeply affected by the amount of time needed for people to access basic needs such as food, water,…

Dublin Dock Workers Preservation Society
Conor Doyle speaks to JIMMY CARTHY & ALAN MARTIN from Dublin Dock Workers Preservation Society about the upcoming meeting, which will include keeping cranes down in the docks instead of knocking them down. ALAN & JIMMY are looking for photographs & memorabilia from the docks. There is a lot of history from Dublin Port to date. On…

Irish Girl Guides book launch
Pat Meehan speaks to CATHERINE O’CONNOR, the support officer from the Irish Girl Guides about a new book that they have launched. The book is about disseminating the Millennium Development Goals to young people by making them young person friendly. Catherine also discusses the background of the Irish Girl Guides and what they do, including giving…
World Premiere of “Cleaners”.
Noel interviews COLM MAHER, writer of “Cleaners”, premiered at Axis Ballymun. It follows the relationship of two woman working in a hotel, where the older woman takes the younger woman under her wing, teaching her all the tricks of the job…