Noel McGuinness interviews CHRIS LUCAS an American singer that has become popular in the music scene in Dublin. They talk about his career and he plays three live songs: “California” by Stan Rogers @ 3’44”, “Don’t Think Twice, It’s All Right” by Bob Dylan @ 17’20” and “Make You Feel My Love” by Bob Dylan @21’58”…
Rivitin History – A Radio Drama
John Healy speaks to PAT MEEHAN about his radio play entitled “Rivitin History”. They briefly describe the premise of the two part play and how within it they travel to the past using the main characters magical motor bike. We hear an extract from the play beginning at 4minutes. They discuss what has been produced…

Radio and TV as Learning Resources Conference
The BAI funded Radio and TV as Learning Resources Conference took place in the Teachers Club, Dublin on Saturday 7th November 2015 . The focus of the conference was on an exchange of views and experiences between media and education practitioners to explore how community media can produce social benefit type content, of a broadly educational nature. Flavia…
Lakes and Glens exhibition
Barbara Jennings interviews HEIDI NGUYEN French artist residing in Donegal, who will have her exhibition Lakes and Glens shown at Gallery 27 in Dublin. They show her vision of Donegal, which she considers a great place to find inspiration; They are abstract landscapes that show the beauty of the skies, coast and fields from this county…
Emilie Conway, Jazz Vocalist
Barbara Jennings interviews EMILIE CONWAY, Jazz Vocalist. She explains her latest projects and her musical influences to develop her actual style…
David Lynch speaks about Budget cuts to the most vulnerable
RONNIE O’ BRIEN speaks to DAVID LYNCH who works with the community workers network about the recent budget & the cuts that have been made to the poorest & most vulnerable people, that are living in disadvantaged areas…
Concerns Over New Housing Plans for Oscar Traynor Road
John speaks to AUSTIN MCCOY and JIM EVESTON from the Lorcan Residents Association about concerns over new housing plans for Oscar Traynor Road, Coolock. They talk about the background of the plans going back as long as 40 years ago, the developer’s plans to include ten storey units, their hopes to talk to the developers…
Belcamp Estate Steering Committee
PAT MEEHAN speaks with LIAM O’ BRIEN from the Belcamp Estate Steering Committee in Darndale to talk about the postponing of a Northside housing scheme in Belcamp…
Marriage Equality Organisation “LGBT Parents” training event.
Pat Meehan speaks to MONINNE GRIFFITH of the Marriage Equality organisation about amazing young people with LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender) parents and the campaign for marriage equality. They begin with Monnine explaining what is part of the campaign including workshops and working in the community trying to increase awareness of LGBT families in…

Commemoration of the famous Yacht Asgard in Collin’s Barrack Museum
Pat Meehan is joined by PAT MURPHY an historian and they’re talking about this year’s commemoration of the Asgard .He presents the life of this famous yacht from her launch in 1905 to its current conservation in Collin’s Barracks Museum. Her 23 day voyage to collect guns and ammunition for the Irish Volunteers and the…
Irish Girl Guides Talk About Climate Change
Fiona Murdoch, Communications Officer for Irish Girl Guides talks to KATE MULCAHY, AINE CAFFREY and LOUISE O’REILLY about climate change. They talk about why it’s important to fight against climate change, their suggestions to the Environment Minister, why it’s important to carry on the message about the climate change issues and their hopes for an…
Details of Local Property Tax Payment in 2014
ITA BRADSHAW of the Citizens’ Information Centre joins John Healy in studio. They begin by discussing details of the local property tax for 2013 and the actions which property owners will need to take to pay the charge. Ita gives details of the Revenue Commission’s on-line payment system. She also details the various payment methods…
Portmarnock Swimmers Go To Sea For St Francis Hospice
KAREN O’MARA, organiser of the Portmarnock Christmas Swim talks to Conor Doyle about the 2014 event which will raise funds for St Francis Hospice in Raheny. Portmarnock resident Billy Jesson passed away in the Raheny Hospice and this year his family and friends are pledging all funds raised by the swim to St Francis’s as…
Grace Wilentz on UN’s Commission on Population & Development
GRACE WILENTZ talks to Noel McGuinness about her recent week-long trip to the UN in New York as part of the Commission on Population & Development. The Commission is part of the UN’s ongoing plan to focus on improving health in the Southern Hemisphere by 2015. Grace has some good stories about the work being…
Scare Yourself Silly: Horror Movie Picks for Halloween 2013
BREN MURPHY of the “Under your bed” horror movie podcast site joins Eoin Drinan to recommend some top horror movies for Halloween. He begins with “Trick or Treat” a very American Halloween movie made in 2007 but not released until two years later. The next recommendation is “House of the Devil” directed by Ti West…