LYNN MCGRANE joins Noel McGuinness to discuss the NINE exhibition. Lynn begins by detailing the conception of the exhibition and also speaks about the LAB space, based in Foley Street and it’s purpose as a basis for new contemporary visual artists. We hear that the exhibition features works by a number of artists who look…
This week’s stories from North County Leader
Noel Mc Guinness speaks to PATRICK FINNEGAN from the North County Leader paper about the stories that are making the headlines . Starting us of is talk about the sale of Aer Lingus. Central bank to put new restrictions on mortgage seekers. Lama awards & who won the best community centre in & around Fingal…
Education fair
RONNIE O’ BRIEN speaks with CLIONA NI`LUAGHNDA, who is Education Programme manager with Ballymun /Whitehall Partnership. They talk about an education fair which is taking place on the 8/9/2011 in the Civic Centre in Ballymun. They talk about courses that are on offer, including ‘improving your spelling’ to ‘furniture restoration’ & lots more…
Astronomy Ireland’s September Star-B-Q
Noel McGuinness talks to DAVID MOORE about ‘Star BQ’, taking place this September and what you can see in the sky tonight. Tonight, Saturn is visible just above the moon, and you’ll be able to see it with the naked eye. A half-decent telescope will reveal the rings, and with a good one, you’ll be able to…
Pat Speight: Storyteller
Barbara Jennings speaks to storyteller PAT SPEIGHT [SLIGHT DISTORTION ON PRESENTER VOICE] via telephone.Pat tells some stories including an anecdote about a genie and a wish and a pig with a wooden leg.…
Tackling Homophobic and Transphobic bullying
MICHAEL BARRON from Belong To Youth services joins Yvette Reid to talk about the issue of homophobic and transphobic bullying. Michael talks about how this kind of bullying is a very serious problem in Ireland according to recent reports, what he has found from speaking to school youths who have seen or experienced such incidents, the “Stand Up”…
Easter Rising Emergency Services Logbook on Public Display
Dublin City Archivist Dr MARY CLARKE, based at the Archive Library on Pearse Street, tells Pat Meehan about an exciting new artifact that has been discovered – with great timing – in time to be exhibited at the library’s 2016 Easter Rising commemorative exhibition. The artifact is the Ambulance & Fire Services Daily Log Book…

RTE showing “Insurrection” as part of 1916 Centenary Series after a 50 years gap
Conor Doyle talks to BRID DOOLEY – Head of RTE Archives about showing after a gap of 50 years the acclaimed “Insurrection” as part of their 1916 Centenary Series. On the 50th anniversary of the Easter Rising, Telefís Éireann produced ‘Insurrection’ an eight part drama that depicted the events of Easter Week 1916 as they…
Chris Lucas – American Singer Performing in Studio
Noel McGuinness interviews CHRIS LUCAS an American singer that has become popular in the music scene in Dublin. They talk about his career and he plays three live songs: “California” by Stan Rogers @ 3’44”, “Don’t Think Twice, It’s All Right” by Bob Dylan @ 17’20” and “Make You Feel My Love” by Bob Dylan @21’58”…
New Documentary Highlights Grey Seal’s Plight
BRENDAN PRICE of the Irish Seal Sanctuary talks to Noel McGuinness about a forthcoming documentary about the work of the Irish Seal Sanctuary. It hasn’t all been plain sailing for this animal charity, but the work continues with volunteers here working alongside professional conservationists to ensure that Irish seal colonies can continue to live wild,…

Launch of 1916 Cufflinks to Barack Obama for St. Patrick’s Day
John Healy is chatting with DECLAN KILLEN, Goldsmith and Jewellery designer makes his own collections of contemporary and Celtic jewellery. The 1916 themed Cufflinks were presented to Barack Obama for St. Patrick’s day. The design is available from the National Museum of Ireland…
Tenant Evictions, Social Housing, and the Rental Accommodation Scheme
Local councilor DESSIE ELLIS joins Pat Meehan to discuss the tenant evictions taking place due to repossessions and of how many landlords will not accept rental supplements. They also talk about some of the failings of the Rental Accommodation Scheme as it currently stands and the need to rehouse evicted tenants…
Lakes and Glens exhibition
Barbara Jennings interviews HEIDI NGUYEN French artist residing in Donegal, who will have her exhibition Lakes and Glens shown at Gallery 27 in Dublin. They show her vision of Donegal, which she considers a great place to find inspiration; They are abstract landscapes that show the beauty of the skies, coast and fields from this county…
Aramu Muru exhibition at the Graphic Studio Gallery
Barbara interviews swedish graphic artist LARS WIKSTROM about his latest exhibition at the Graphic Studio Gallery, called “Aramu Muru”. They are 18 woodcuts inspired by Aramu Muru in Haya Marca, near Lake Titicaca in Peru; it reflects the Inca culture and the spiritual world attached to it…
Father Peter McVerry: Homelessness is Alive and Well in Ireland 2013
Father PETER McVERRY joins Yvette Reid to discuss the 30th anniversary of the Peter McVerry Trust. Father McVerry says it is tragic that the organisation is still needed as homelessness should have been eradicated many years ago. They discuss the “Opening Doors” appeal running in conjunction with the 30th anniversary. Fund raising activities include charity…