Launch of the Novel ‘Citizens’ by Kevin Curran

Mark Finnegan is chatting with KEVIN CURRAN about second novel, Citizens, which tells the story of Neil, an apathetic Irishman in his twenties whose plans to emigrate are disturbed by the death of his grandfather. Familiar themes are made clever and refreshing through the interspersed narrative of Neil’s great-grandfather Harry, who participated in the Easter Rising…

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Pyrite Campaign

JOHN HEALY speaks to PAT MEEHAN about pyrite in a Donnycarney complex & how Dublin City Council had to remove tenants from their homes & then rehouse them in another area…

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National Museum Inspires Young Scientists

The National Museum of Ireland is taking a stall at the Young Scientist of the year Exhibition in Dublin. SIOBHAN PIERCE from the Museum tells Noel McGuinness why this is a good idea. Science, she says, plays a huge part in all our lives. This is as – if not more – true in the…

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Irish artist Gwen O’ Dowd and the Graphic Studio Gallery

Barbara Jennings speaks to GWEN O’DOWD at the Graphic Studio Gallery in Temple bar, Dublin. They speak about the print facility itself and the services it offers.  [REPORTER PHONE SLIGHT BUZZ ON LINE] Gwen is working at the studio with master printers who assist in her work. They discuss some of Gwen’s work at the studio including…

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Rock n Roll Is Back In Dublin Town

It’s back! But this time with an even bigger bang! And a new name! Formerly known as the Rock-N-Roll Conference, held in Dublin last year, the whole shebang will be working under a new name, The Dublin Rock-N- Roll Festival! KEIRAN BLACK chats here with Conor Daly about all the events planned for this festival…

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North Dublin Bay Housing Crisis

As we head into 2016 North Dublin Bay Housing Crisis Committee member DIANA ROBERTS recaps on the past year with a lot of highs and lows from having a housing crisis meeting with the previous Lord Mayor in the Mansion House to the occupation of the Bolt hostel which highlighted how vacant properties can be…

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7th Annual Edenmore Festival

Noel speaks to DIARMUID MCHUGH about the 7th annual Edenmore festival He talks about the teams and people who contribute to the festival. how vital the teamwork is for making the festival a success and the funding for Edenmore Park from the Dublin City Council. He also talks about the civil services’ participation and the reason for the…

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Learning about the Asylum seeking process for children in Ireland

CAROLINE REID, Communications officer with the Irish Refugee Council, speaks to Sabrina Ryan about a new multimedia guide released by the organisation. Caroline explains how the guide came about and the process by which it was created in collaboration with children who were going through the asylum process at the time. Caroline explains how people…

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Councillor Sean Haughey On Ongoing Work in Dublin Airport

John Healy speaks to Councillor SEAN HAUGHEY from Fianna Fail about the ongoing work which is taking place in Dublin airport. Sean talks about his concerns about major aircraft noise in Clontarf, Raheny & Beaumont areas that are not use to this and how the residents from these areas are not happy & his hopes that the…

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New Cycle Path Opens Dublin Coast From Sutton To Sandymount

RENUA Ireland TD, TERENCE FLANAGAN welcomes news that construction work began on the Dublin Bay cyclepath in Clontarf this week. Chatting to Pat Meehan, he says: “There is currently no designated cyclepath from the Wooden Bridge to Causeway Road in Clontarf and as a result of this cyclists have to come off the cyclepath onto…

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Robbie Reilly & Luke Cunningham on Guitars

Noel McGuinness interviews ROBBIE REILLY & LUKE CUNNINGHAM, and they have been busking with Spanish Guitars to raise €3500 to fund a trip to Calcutta for Luke. Both the lads attend Belvedere College. Noel Spotted them playing in the Rose Festival in St Anne’s Park. They also play in the market in Dun Laoghaire and…

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