Samaritans member, BRENDAN GALLAGHER talks to John Healy about the history and services of the Samaritans organisation. Brendan talks about the purpose of their new 24/7 Talk To Us campaign, how Samaritans try to support people with full confidentiality, the importance of the 24 hour aspect of the campaign, how dark weather can have an…
Brian Moss on Transparency in the Charity sector and the State of the Nation address 2013
BRIAN MOSS, journalist, joins Sabrina Ryan beginning by discussing Enda Kenny’s “State of the Nation” address, telling how he agrees with the government suggestion to stay course with the policies of the time. He talks of personally seeing an upturn in the social activities in the South of Dublin. They briefly discuss what the Taoiseach…
Fundraising Night For Molly
Noel speaks to LIAM FENNELL about the fundraising night for little Molly McNally’s fight against cancer taking place at Craoibh Chiaráin GAA Club on 28th November. He talked about the amount raised so far for Molly’s treatment, the cancer that Molly suffers from, how the idea of the fundraiser came about, how Molly is getting…
Ciara McMahon, exhibition in Phizz Fest 2011
Noel interviews CIARA MCMAHON, doctor and artist with an exhibition on the Phizz Fest in Phibsboro about transplants, where she mixes her work and her passion…
Mink Fur Farming in Ireland
JOHN CARMODY speaks to Ronnie O’Brien about the Animal Rights Network and footage taken from a mink farm in Ireland. John talks about conditions seen in the video and the negligence which the animals are experiencing. They discuss how the Animal Rights Network is lobbying government to prevent fur farming. John says up to 200,000 mink and a…
Community Garden Bunratty Drive
Sabrina Ryan interviews LINDA DEVLIN from Doras Bui about the Community Garden they have in Bunratty Drive. She explains the great effect this work has in the different people that participate in this project. She encourages everyone to take part, even if they don’t have any horticultural knowledge in the beginning, as the gardener will…
Folk and Transport Museum
Ger Leddin reports from Northern Ireland, where he has visited the Folk and Transport Museum in Hollywood. He interviews some staff members reenacting the old skills that blacksmiths would have had. He also interviews RUTH TURLINGTON, the Visitors Services Manager, about how they try to bring the visitors backin time…
Facts and Fictions of TTIP
Mark speaks to AUDREY MCCREADY, former EU commission employee about the facts and fiction of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP). She talks about her experiences whilst in the EU commission, her uncertainties about where the interpretations are coming from with regards to TTIP allegedly forcing companies to privatize public services, how the economic…
Increased protection for domestic workers
Noel talks to TINA from the Domestic Workers’ Action Group about human rights abuses, exploitation, and discrimination perpetrated on foreign domestic workers by unscrupulous employers in Ireland. New legislation has been passed here, ratifying EU laws on exploitation, but the abuse goes on. The DWAG continues to campaign for change, but it’s hard to prosecute…
Community Fun Day at Darndale Park
TARA BLAYDS and JOHN BAKER from Sphere 17 talk to Noel about a great community day out in Darndale in which the hundreds of people attending didn’t let the poor weather spoil the fun and games…
Walk to School Week
Sabrina Ryan interviews ALLY MENARY about the initiative called Walk to School Week, where they try to inform parents about the benefits of walking to school with the kids, avoiding the car when possible…
Changes to the “One parent family” grant in 2013
John Healy is joined by ITA BRADSHAW from the Northside Citizens Information Centre to discuss the One-Parent Family Payment (OFP). A OFP is a payment for men and women under 66 who are bringing children up without the support of a partner. They discuss the recent changes made to the payment and the rules and…
Community Spirit and the Water Protests
MARK FINNEGAN and NOEL McGUINNESS discuss the current state of morale amongst protesters who are determined to stop water charges being introduced. Eye-witness reports, unadulterated by national media agendas, suggest that the water protesters remain determined and steadfast. Community spirit remains strong in north Dublin…
Drumcondra National School Fundraiser
Pat speaks to BERYL HEALY from Drumcondra National School about the fundraiser event in All Hallows. She talks about the details about the events, the musicians that will perform for the event, where you get tickets for the event and the background of the school…
Scare Yourself Silly: Horror Movie Picks for Halloween 2013
BREN MURPHY of the “Under your bed” horror movie podcast site joins Eoin Drinan to recommend some top horror movies for Halloween. He begins with “Trick or Treat” a very American Halloween movie made in 2007 but not released until two years later. The next recommendation is “House of the Devil” directed by Ti West…