Barbara Jennings speaks to ARTHUR DUFF at the Malthouse Design Centre Distillery. They discuss “Design Week” – a festival focused on design and the opportunity for all people involved in design to show off their wares. They discuss the festival and then move on to talking about the Malthouse itself and what it can offer…
Irish Institute of Natural Pathic medicine
PAT MEEHAN speaks to MICHAEL & KATE who are suicide prevention councillors from I.I.M.N talking about their holistic recovery programme & they speak about their own experience with mental health…
Enough campaign against the EU/IMF deal
Near FM volunteer Ciaran Oglesby interviews Reporter ADRIEN MURPHY, member of the Enough campaign, who informs about the reason to protest against the EU/IMF deal and the effect it can have on Irish society…
Bruce Goodison’s ‘Leave 2 Remain’ Brings Child Refugees’ Experiences To Life
Writer and director BRUCE GOODISON speaks to Eoin Drinan about his debut film “Leave 2 remain”. Bruce says the story was inspired by children and teenagers who were displaced during the Afghanistan war. He heard that 3-4,000 of these children arrive in the UK each year seeking refuge. The film details some of the hardships…
Law & Mediation Center Coolock
John Healy speaks to ROSS PALMER from community law & mediation in the civic center here in Coolock. They have been in Coolock for the past forty years ,originally known as Coolock law center & then renamed a couple of years later as North side community law center . They have widened their services over…
Missing Teddy Bear Reunited With Its Owner
Conor speaks to AUSTIN MAGUIRE from Enjoy Malahide about a missing teddy bear that was reunited with its owner. He talks about the story about the missing teddy bear, how he discovered the teddy bear, how he used Facebook to find its owner, the pride he felt when returning the teddy bear to its owner and…
Austerity affecting mental health in schools – A.S.T.I is fighting for improving this situation
Noel McGuinness is talking to ED BYRNE Vice president of A.S.T.I. about how austerity has affected student mental health in schools. The effect of more students in a class means less teacher and guidance for pupils, which damage physical health, which now is more in a focus than ever before. The importance of a guidance…
Teachers’ Experience of the PAX Good Behavior Game
Noel speaks with BREDA TOMKINS, a teacher from St. Joseph’s National School, Bonnybrook & CLAIR MCNICHOLAS, a teacher from Scoil Ide, Kilmore West about their experiences of the PAX Good Behavior Game in the classroom. They talk about their backgrounds in teaching, their first impressions of the game, their training on the programme, the details…
Celebrating The Liberties: Festival 2013
Liberties Festival Director MICHAEL CONLON joins John Healy to speak about the Liberties Festival. Michael paints picture of the Liberties area and what makes it unique. He also talks about musician Imelda May’s links to the area and the Festival itself. Michael highlights the “Liberties international people of the year” project. This looks at what…
Fingal County Council Development Plan 2017-2023
Mark Finnegan speaks to RACHEL KENNY, a senior planner with Fingal County Council. RACHEL talks about Fingal’s development plan for 2017 – 2023, the physical development of the county in areas such as houses, roads, public transport, etc and the four meetings that took place around the county for the public to attend where questions…
Dealing with Noisy Neighbours in your community
JACKIE HAUGHEY from the Citizens Information Centre joins John Healy to talk about how people can combat issues with “Noisy Neighbours” in their community. Jackie talks about what options are available for people including legal steps if necessary, the legal route which would be followed in such a circumstance and how she urges people to discuss the issue with the person involved first…
Against Jobsbridge and Gateway Schemes
John interviews PAUL MURPHY, Socialist Party MEP who speaks against the Jobsbridge and gateway schemes; he denounces the explotation this schemes are used for, using this people to replace actual workers. He also explains how even the scheme is supposed to be voluntary many young people feel pressured to accept this offers even if their…
SIPTU Lobby Minister Hogan on Alignment of Local Services
DARRAGH O’CONNOR, campaign coordinator with SIPTU, joins Pat Meehan to discuss the union’s lobbying of Minister Phil Hogan over plans to align development companies with local authorities. Darragh says SIPTU is concerned about potential job losses and loss of power for community groups if the plans become a reality. They also discuss Minster Joan Burton’s…
What is Finglas Heritage Trail?
JACKIE O’REILLY joins Pat Meehan to discuss the launch of the Finglas Heritage Trail, a trail of fourteen heritage sites. The trail was officially launched by councillor Naoise O’Muiri along with Dublin City Council. They move on to discuss the book “The Peoples Portrait” of Finglas. Jackie carries on to explain the tour itself and how one…
Royal Canal Useage
RODERICK O’GORMAN of the Green Party talks to Pat Meehan about the use of the Royal Canal in Dublin. Roderick is advocating a study to look at the Royal Canal’s use, specifically in the Royal Canal area in Dublin 15. The study will look at what development can be undertaken on the Royal Canal. The…