Mark Finnegan reports about the Launch of The Bohemians Foundation, which is an independent non-profit organisation intent on improving the health and well-being of its North Dublin community. The Foundation was officially launched by Lord Mayor of Dublin Críona Ní Dhálaigh at the Mansion House. At this event Mark catches a few interviews with LARRY…
Category Archives: NS2016
Cian O’Callaghan Social Democrat launching his campaign for the General Election 2016
Conor Doyle is talking to CIAN O’CALLAGHAN member of the Social Democrats about the upcoming election 2016, for which he is first contesting for. Cian is specialized in the field of healthcare, housing, environment, mental health and criminal justice reform. Today he is talking about possible challenges during the elections like competing against long established…
Cian O’Callaghan Social Democrat launching his campaign for the General Election 2016
Conor Doyle is talking to CIAN O’CALLAGHAN member of the Social Democrats about the upcoming election 2016, for which he is first contesting for. Cian is specialized in the field of healthcare, housing, environment, mental health and criminal justice reform. Today he is talking about possible challenges during the elections like competing against long established…
Disability Federation Ireland about their Federation
Conor Doyle chats to MARTIN NAUGHTON – Disability Federation of Ireland.- about the appointment of Finian McGrath TD as Minister of State with Responsibility for Disabilities. Disability Federation of Ireland (DFI) is the national support organisation for voluntary disability organisations in Ireland who provide services to people with disabilities and disabling conditions: Hidden, Intellectual, Mental Health,…
Louise O’Reilly – Sinn Fein – General Election 2016
Conor Doyle is talking to LOUISE O’REILLY from Sinn Fein for Dublin Fingal about the General Election. Louise is a full time Trade Union Organiser and a lifelong union activist. She is a member of the ICTU Public Services Committee and has extensive experience negotiating on behalf of workers in both the public and private…
Transition Year Students performing Mamma Mia
Conor Doyle chats to FERGAL CLOSE Co-Producer and some of the TY student cast – Aisling O’Byrne (Donna) , Daniel Kavanagh (Sam) and Craig Norman (Sky)of their musical “Mamma Mia” which they are currently performing in St. Pauls. Mamma Mia is a jukebox musical, based on the songs of ABBA. The 20-year old bride-to-be Sophie Sheridan finds…
Book ‘Exercise of Authority’ – Finnian O’Cionnaith
Conor Doyle is talkin to FINNIAN O’CIONNAITH, who is launching his new book “Exercise of Authority”. Finnian O’Cionnaith is author of two books and multiple papers specialising in eighteenth-century surveying, cartography and the use of spatial data in urban management. This book tells the story of the formative years of the Georgian Paving Board who…

Launch of the Talk ‘Who owns the Easter Rising?’
Conor Doyle talks to Dr ROISIN HIGGINS Senior Lecturer in History at Teeside University about her Talk “Who own the Easter Rising?” to be held in the Northside Civic Centre. Dr Roisín Higgins’s work focuses on social and cultural history with particular interest in the politics of historical memory. Her research on commemoration examines both…
New Communities Partnership about Migrant Rights to vote
RARES-MIHAI NICULA New Communities Partnership with Noel McGuinness talking about migrant rights, election 2016 and appealing to migrants to use their voting rights. NCP first came together 13 years ago as a coalition of several migrant background groups to help up migrants with their needs. NCP helps migrants in Dublin and nationwide to deal with…
New Communities Partnership about migrant right to vote in the General Election 2016
RARES-MIHAI NICULA New Communities Partnership with Noel McGuinness talking about migrants rights, election 2016 and appealing to migrants to use their voting rights. NCP first came together 13 years ago as a coalition of several migrant background groups to help up migrants with their needs. NCP helps migrants in Dublin and nationwide to deal with…

Fingal County Council Archives – Project about family history 1916
Conor Doyle speaks to JACINTA JUDGE, Oral History Collector- Fingal County Council Archives about their project to audio record the stories family and friends who took part in the 1916 Rising. Valuable historical and personal information can now be accessed through this oral history collection. Not alone are personal experiences during Easter Week 1916 described…
Theatrical Landscape and Culture of 1916 Dublin& Irish Music Hall 1916
Conor Doyle speaks to Dr SUSANNE COLLEARY about the theatrical landscape and culture of 1916 Dublin and the Irish Music Hall in context of 1916. Dr. Susanne Colleary examines music hall performance as speaking of and to everyday experience and as an integral aspect of the theatrical landscape and culture of 1916 Dublin. In so…
St. Valentines Relics Whitefriar St. Church
Conor Doyle speaks to Fr BERNARD MURPHY of the Carmelite order the St. Valentines Relics held in Whitefriar St Church. Events held in the church to mark the 14th of February. Today, the Shrine is visited throughout the year by couples who come to pray to Valentine and to ask him to watch over them…
Jimmy Dignam – Workers Party – General Election 2016- New Educate Together School
Noel MCGuinness is talking to JIMMY DIGNAM Workers Party candidate for Dublin North West about his election campaign and the New Educate Together Secondary School in Whitehall. Jimmy Dignam is an anti-austerity activist and has been active in socialist politics for many years. He is a member of the Campaign Against the Household and Water…

Youth Advocate Programmes Recruitment Day
John Healy talks to AMT WALSH, team leader with YAP Ireland, Dublin North about the latest recruitment drive and the work of YAP Ireland (Youth Advocacy Programme) on Near FM’s Northside Today. Youth Advocate Programmes (YAP) Ireland is a leading provider of intensive support programmes for young people and families. YAP Ireland uses a strengths based, family…
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