How To Make Life Difficult For Burglars


PETER MURRAY OF joins Sabrina Ryan about making your home more difficult to burgle.
he says most burglars are there only for the goods and cash and want nothing to do with you.

Peter outlines three main ways that burglars enter houses: Through the door, through the window, or by pushing past you. He says never open your door unless you know who is there. At the same time, while you want your home to be secure, don’t turn it into a fortress as you may need to get out easily one day, in the event of a fire or some other emergency.

Peter is a certified risk assessor for homes and suggests using cameras, or even dummy cameras to deter burglars.

Home safes are not always impregnable, and some burglars bring magnets to locate hidden safes. The average burglary takes around 3.5 minutes.

Peter’s tips: If you are going away, work with your neighbours to ensure bins are in off the road. Make sure windows and doors are locked. And just saying ‘Hello’ to a stranger can also discourage a potential burglar in your area.

Duration: 17'33" DATE: November 18, 2013
Interviewer:Sabrina Ryan
Producer:Sabrina Ryan
Interviewee:Peter Murray
Themes:Local News, Local Current Affairs
Keywords:preventing home burglaries, security risk assessment for the home, peter murray, stop the burglar .ie,, tips for stopping a break in
LocationIreland Time Period:2013
Type:Sound Language:English
Creator:Near FM Publisher:Near FM
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