What is the “One Percent Difference” philanthropic campaign?


SEAMUS MULCONRY, Executive Director of Philanthropy Ireland speaks with Pat about the “One Percent Difference” campaign, where you are asked to give one percent of your time or money to a cause which you can believe in.

Seamus talks about the pros of volunteering time for sports and other organisations in Ireland, the generosity of Irish people as a whole despite our general preferences to give when asked and how a change in this mindset can create a number of positive implications.

Seamus also talks about the launch of the campaign itself, Mary Robinson’s association with the project, how the campaign is funded thanks to philanthropic sources and government funding and how it is predicted that 80 percent of philanthropic donations will cease in Ireland by 2016 as a result of the “One Foundation” and “Atlantic Philanthropies” fundraisers closing.

Seamus also talks about the introduction of a Social Innovation fund, the popularity of volunteering in Ireland, the positive benefits associated with many of these voluntary activities & the positive contribution of the GAA in Ireland.


Duration: 11'50" DATE: July 8, 2013
Interviewer:Pat Meehan
Producer:Yvette Reid
Interviewee:Seamus Mulconry
Themes:Irish Life & Culture
Keywords:philanthropy Ireland, seamus mulconry, volunteering in ireland, one percent difference,
LocationIreland Time Period:2013
Type:Sound Language:English
Creator:Near FM Publisher:Near FM
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