Great Aunt Does A Great Channel Swim For A Great Charity


SHEILA FLEMING talks to Conor Doyle about MAURA TWOMEY’s great swimming achievement. Maura, a brave great-aunt, swam the English Channel to raise funds for her grandnephew who suffers from cystic fibrosis.

Maura Twomey was 59 when she took on the epic challenge for the CF children’s unit at Cork University Hospital between July 9 and July 13.

The funds raised by her went towards in-patient beds at the centre which her four-year-old grandnephew Rian Forde, from Blarney, regularly attends.

The Cork woman traveled back from Boston, where she now lives, to brave the chilly waters.

Maura has swam all her life and said “Rian and his immediate family face the challenge of cystic fibrosis every day so I was well
able to take on this one-off challenge.

“The training was tough, time-consuming, but fun too.”

Rian’s mother Christine said they can’t thank her aunt enough for taking on the challenge “to help raise awareness and funds for kids just like Rian”.

Duration: 11'18" DATE: September 3, 2015
Interviewer:Conor Doyle
Producer:Paula Wiseman
Interviewee:Sheila Fleming
Themes:Local News
Keywords:Channel Swimmers, English Channel, Swimming, Endurance, Fund Raising, Cystic Fibrosis
LocationDublin, Cork Time Period:2015
Type:Sound Language:English
Creator:Near FM Publisher:Near FM
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