What is Digiwomen Ireland?


Eoin Drinan is joined by PAULINE SARGENT who explains her work as part of DigiWomen Ireland. She speaks of the gender imbalance in the area.

Pauline speaks of her own experience in the sector and claims that there is evidence of a large number of jobs being created in that area in the near future.

Pauline speaks of encouraging women now to get involved in the sector now so that the gender balance can become more equal in the coming years.

They carry on to speak of socailsavee.ie, Paulines own website, a social media and digital marketing company helping business to grow and maintain their online relationships.



Duration: 07'46" DATE: April 18, 2013
Interviewer:Eoin Drinan
Producer:Eoin Drinan
Interviewee:Pauline Sargent
Themes:Irish Life & Culture, Local Current Affairs
Keywords:gender equality, females in technology, digital equality, new tech jobs, learning to programme
LocationIreland Time Period:2013
Type:Sound Language:English
Creator:Near FM Publisher:Near FM
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