Louise O’Reilly – Sinn Fein – General Election 2016


Conor Doyle is talking to LOUISE O’REILLY from Sinn Fein for Dublin Fingal about the General Election. Louise is a full time Trade Union Organiser and a lifelong union activist. She is a member of the ICTU Public Services Committee and has extensive experience negotiating on behalf of workers in both the public and private sector. Louise is standing in the General Election with a promise to abolish water charges and the Local Property Tax. She is committed to tackling the housing crisis in Dublin and building a fairer tax system that aims to create a more equal society.

Duration: 12'23'' DATE: February 11, 2016
Interviewer:Conor Doyle
Producer:Conor Doyle
Interviewee: Louise O’Reilly
Themes:Local News, Local Current Affairs
Keywords:Sinn Fein, General Election 2016, Trade Union Organiser, abolish water charges and the Local Property Tax
LocationDublin Bay North Time Period:2016
Type:Sound Language:English
Creator:Near FM Publisher:Near FM
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