CONOR HANRATTY talks to Noel McGuinness about “Drums and Guns”, a production that commemorates World War 1 and the Easter Rising. It features students from the Royal Irish Academy of Music, The Guildhall School of Music and Drama in London and New York, the play was played in all three cities. It consists of different…
Monthly Archives: February 2016

Irish Independent candidate Clare Daly launching her campaign for Dublin Bay North
John Healy is talking to CLARE DALY who is an Irish Independents 4 Change politician about the general Election campaign 2016 and about the feedback she gets during that campaign. Clare Daly is the independent socialist TD for Dublin North. Formerly a Councillor for the Swords Local Electoral Area, Clare was first elected to Fingal…
Prionsias Ó’Conaráin Independent candidate for Dublin Bay North launches campaign 2016
Mark Finnegan is joined in studio by Independent Dublin Bay North Candidate for Election 2016, PRIONISAS Ó’CONARAIN. Prionsias talks about his motivations for joining the race, his previous election experiences and his ambitions if elected. …
Fianna Fáil candidate Deirdre Heney launches her campaign 2016
Mark Finnegan talks to Cllr DEIDRE HENEY from Fianna Fáil. Deirdre is a Candidate in the Dublin Bay North Constituency for Election 2016. As the campaign enters its final days, Cllr Heney reflects on the issues she has been hearing about on the doorsteps…
Fine Gael candidate Naoise Ó Muirí launches his election campaign for Dublin Bay North
NAOISE Ó MUIRI, Fine Gael candidate for Dublin Bay North, talks to Noel McGuinness about his election campaign and local issues. The former Lord major of Dublin talks about the difficult parts of an election like getting in touch with everyone and explains the most efficient way to vote. Ó Muirí studied at the National University…
Dublin director and writer Joe O’Byrne launching his play “The Rising” as part of the Five Lamps Festival
Noel McGuinness is talking to JOE O’BYRNE who is a director and writer for theatre about his play “The Rising” as part of the Five Lamps Arts Festival. His own plays ‘En Suite’ was presented at the Abbey/ Peacock, and ‘Departed’ and ‘The Sinking of the Titanic’ at the Dublin Theatre Festival. He has also directed many productions,…
Avril Power – Independent Candidate – Dublin Bay North – General Election 2016
Conor Doyle interviews Senator AVERIL POWER Independent candidate in Dublin Bay North. Health, Beaumont Hospital, Special Criminal Court, Adoption Bill, Shopping List and Micháel Martin. In Fianna Fáil she was elected to the 24th Seanad in April 2011 by the Industrial and Commercial Panel. From 2011 until 2015 she was Fianna Fáil’s Seanad spokesperson on Education and Skills. Then she fell…
Local women writes song ‘A Place Called Home’ for raising funds for homeless charity
Pat Meehan is talking to DEIRDRE FLYNN from Rush about the song she has written to raise funds for homeless charity. Mother-of-five Deirdre Flynn, who lives in Rush, wrote the lyrics to ‘A Place Called Home’ last October. The song is based on Deirdre’s experiences working as a volunteer with Focus Ireland. She is hoping…
1916 History Tour
Pat Meehan is talking to GEORGE MAGDALINA organizer of the 1916 History Tour. George Magdalina registered for support helping out with the commemorations of 1916, which is supported by the City Council. He participated the Easter Rising Commemoration organising the 1916 History Tour…
Launch of The Bohemians Foundation
Mark Finnegan reports about the Launch of The Bohemians Foundation, which is an independent non-profit organisation intent on improving the health and well-being of its North Dublin community. The Foundation was officially launched by Lord Mayor of Dublin Críona Ní Dhálaigh at the Mansion House. At this event Mark catches a few interviews with LARRY…
Cian O’Callaghan Social Democrat launching his campaign for the General Election 2016
Conor Doyle is talking to CIAN O’CALLAGHAN member of the Social Democrats about the upcoming election 2016, for which he is first contesting for. Cian is specialized in the field of healthcare, housing, environment, mental health and criminal justice reform. Today he is talking about possible challenges during the elections like competing against long established…
Cian O’Callaghan Social Democrat launching his campaign for the General Election 2016
Conor Doyle is talking to CIAN O’CALLAGHAN member of the Social Democrats about the upcoming election 2016, for which he is first contesting for. Cian is specialized in the field of healthcare, housing, environment, mental health and criminal justice reform. Today he is talking about possible challenges during the elections like competing against long established…
Disability Federation Ireland about their Federation
Conor Doyle chats to MARTIN NAUGHTON – Disability Federation of Ireland.- about the appointment of Finian McGrath TD as Minister of State with Responsibility for Disabilities. Disability Federation of Ireland (DFI) is the national support organisation for voluntary disability organisations in Ireland who provide services to people with disabilities and disabling conditions: Hidden, Intellectual, Mental Health,…
Louise O’Reilly – Sinn Fein – General Election 2016
Conor Doyle is talking to LOUISE O’REILLY from Sinn Fein for Dublin Fingal about the General Election. Louise is a full time Trade Union Organiser and a lifelong union activist. She is a member of the ICTU Public Services Committee and has extensive experience negotiating on behalf of workers in both the public and private…
Transition Year Students performing Mamma Mia
Conor Doyle chats to FERGAL CLOSE Co-Producer and some of the TY student cast – Aisling O’Byrne (Donna) , Daniel Kavanagh (Sam) and Craig Norman (Sky)of their musical “Mamma Mia” which they are currently performing in St. Pauls. Mamma Mia is a jukebox musical, based on the songs of ABBA. The 20-year old bride-to-be Sophie Sheridan finds…