Mark Finnegan speaks to JOHN MALLON who is the spokesman for the speakers group Forest Eireann. He talks about plain packaging cigarettes & how it would be a huge & unnecessary risk for the government to take. If this was to happen it would make it a lot harder for sales assistants to distinguish the…
Barbara speaks to DONNA COONEY from the “Dumping at Sea” campaign in Dublin Bay. She talks about why the campaign was set up, the dangers that the dumped waste ...
28 Oct 2015
Noel McGuinness interviews TERESA CASHIN from Grange Woodbine Drama Group about their upcoming production called The Space, running from Tuesday 6th May to Friday 9th May 2014. Written by Grainne Jordan ...
06 May 2014
JOHN QUINN speaks to Noel McGuinness about being the winner of Irelands Charity Hero Award. They discuss Suicide in Ireland in 2013 and more specifically in the Clondalkin area ...
18 Jan 2013
Noel speaks to MARY LOUISE O’DONNELL, harpist, researcher and author where she talks about her book on the harp and its place in the shape of Irish identity. She ...
09 Oct 2015
John speaks to ALISON GILLILAND about the charter for fair conditions at work and the building plans for the Oscar Traynor Road. She talks about her background with Labour ...
11 Nov 2015